MACD 5.bin
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Text File
6,296 lines
*-------------- IDENTIFICATION -------------------------------------------*
; Author : Andrew K. Pearson
; Program : AmigaDiary
; Version : 1.13
; Last Updated : 28.6.93
; (c) Andrew K. Pearson 1992/93
*-------------- PROGRAM HISTORY -----------------------------------------*
; v1.0 : The 'original'. Finished around spring '93.
; v1.1 : Finished 20/3/93. Added some features not originally intended,
; eg. hotkeys. This version on July '93 Amiga Computing coverdisk.
; v1.11 : Removed a few bugs present in v1.1 Thanks to all the people
; who pointed them out to me.
; v1.12 : Fixed the following bugs:
; 1. When the diary starts up, the whole entry for today is
; displayed, not just the most recently added one.
; 2. After loading a file, the correct entries are displayed, and
; the day shown in the window is today's date - not the last
; day loaded from the file.
; 3. The Edit gadget in the scribblepad window no longer has the
; E underlined. (Hotkeys only work in the main window).
; 4. (Not a bug) I never expected people to want to insert entries
; in the past, so I made the lookup date routine add 2000 to the
; year if it was less than 90. It would seem, however, that
; if you were keeping records or something then you might want
; entries in previous years. Now, only years less than 30 are
; 21st century. Any others go to 20th century, so for example if
; you entered 69 it would become 1969, not 2069. This means the
; diary can be used up until 2030. If anyone is still using it
; after that don't expect help from me!
; 5. The program now correctly sets the topaz 8 font in each window
; that uses the graphics library text function.
; 6. Program correctly handles years. (This was a major bug - whoops!)
; v1.13 : Thanks to Peter Wesson for pointing this out. If the date given
; in the LookUp Date window is an old date eg. in 1959, the day is
; wrong. This was because the exec function datestamp returns the
; date as the number of seconds since midnight, 1st Jan 1978. When
; I changed the range of years allowed in to 1930 onwards (v1.12), I
; forgot to take this into consideration, so any date before 1.1.78
; would give the wrong day. This has now been fixed.
; Known Bugs
; ----------
; AmigaDiary seems to cause problems for ToolsDaemon v2.0b - I don't know
; why. The error reported is "can't find .info!" when I try to select a
; menu option. I think the problem lies in ToolsDaemon, though, because
; I have had this error when AmigaDiary has not even been running.
*-------------- INCLUDES AND DEFINITIONS --------------------------------*
;(* LIBRARIES ... *)
execbase equ 4
close equ -36 DOS
datestamp equ -192
open equ -30
read equ -42
write equ -48
allocmem equ -198 EXEC
closelib equ -414
findtask equ -294
freemem equ -210
getmsg equ -372
openlib equ -408
replymsg equ -378
waitport equ -384
closefont equ -78 GRAPHICS
rectfill equ -306
move equ -240
openfont equ -72
setApen equ -342
setDrMd equ -354
setfont equ -66
text equ -60
activategadget equ -462
closewindow equ -72 INTUITION
drawborder equ -108
drawimage equ -114
openwindow equ -204
printItext equ -216
refreshGlist equ -432
cal_year equ 0 CALENDAR pointer to year
yr_size equ 54 YEAR total size
yr_year equ 4 eg.1992
yr_next equ 0 pointer to next in list
yr_list equ 6 12 pointers to 12 months
mon_size equ 6 MONTH total size
mon_number equ 4 number of entries in month
mon_day equ 0 pointer to 1st (used) day
day_size equ 10 DAY total size
day_day equ 8 eg. 16 = 16th
day_entry equ 4 pointer to entry list
day_next equ 0 pointer to next day
ent_size equ 14 ENTRY total size
ent_text equ 0 pointer to text block
ent_next equ 4 pointer to next entry
ent_txt_size equ 8 size of text block (bytes)
ent_stat equ 10 control word
ent_time equ 12 eg 0915 = 9.15 am
scribent_size equ 14 total size
scribent_next equ 0 next entry in list
scribent_text equ 4 pointer to text
scribent_txt_size equ 8 size of text block (bytes)
scrib_ident equ 10 identifier
line_width equ 15 ENTRY TEXT
; max no. of chars
; (also change line_break!!)
scrib_width equ 35 SCRIBBLEPAD TEXT
; max no. of chars
scrib_bottom equ 160 pixel position of pad
; lower margin
page_limit equ 150 DIARY PAGE lower limit
;(* EXTERNAL FILE ... *)
mode_old equ 1005
mode_new equ 1006
;(* DATE ... *)
date_yr equ 0 DATE year yyyy
date_mon equ 4 month mm
date_day1 equ 8 day1 dd (eg. 16th)
date_day2 equ 12 day2 (eg. 0=Sunday)
;(* FLAGS ... *)
;(* Offsets represent bits for each byte flag. *)
leap equ 0 FLAG 1
quitp equ 1
timeyn equ 2
linebrk equ 3
editinp equ 4
one_entry equ 5
firstentry equ 6
scribover equ 7
scribop equ 0 FLAG 2
addentop equ 1
shrinkop equ 2
aboutop equ 3
requestop equ 4
lookop equ 5
loadop equ 6
saveop equ 7
scribaeop equ 0 FLAG 3
editop equ 1
scribeditop equ 2
strgad equ 3
hrsgad equ 4
minsgad equ 5
topazUset equ 6
topazset equ 7
scribsplit equ 0 FLAG 4
pagebottom equ 1
splitentry equ 2
sidetwo equ 3
change equ 4
scribeditinp equ 5
defaultfile equ 6
;opt d+
*-------------- MAIN LOOP -----------------------------------------------*
;(* Initialises variables, opens libraries, opens main window and sets *)
;(* the display. *)
Start bsr Workbench icon or CLI?
bsr Init
bsr Openint
beq badint
bsr Opengfx
beq badgfx
bsr Opendos
beq baddos
bsr LoadDefault load default AD entry file
bsr Topaz open topaz 8 font
bsr OpenShrinkwind
move.l shrinkhd,d0
tst.l d0
beq badwind
bsr GetDate
move.w #45,dateXpos
move.w #19,dateYpos
move.l shrinkhd,displayhd
bsr DisplayDate
loop bsr Main
btst #quitp,flag1 Quit program ?
beq loop
error bsr DFS Free all diary memory
bsr ScribClear Free all SP memory
bsr CloseTopaz Close the font
bsr CloseAEwind
bsr CloseSPwind
bsr Closewind main
bsr CloseShrinkwind shrink
bsr CloseAboutWind about
bsr CloseInvInpWind invalid inputs
bsr CloseLEwind lookup entry
bsr CloseLFwind load file
bsr CloseSFwind save file
bsr CloseSAEwind scribblepad add entry
bsr CloseEditwind edit entry
bsr CloseSEEwind scribblepad edit entry
badwind bsr Closedos
baddos bsr Closegfx
badgfx bsr Closeint
badint rts
*-------------- ENVIRONMENT ROUTINES ------------------------------------*
;(* If the program is started by clicking an icon, instead of a CLI *)
;(* command, a message must be returned. *)
Workbench move.l execbase,a6
sub.l a1,a1
jsr findtask(a6)
move.l d0,a4
tst.l $ac(a4)
bne .out CLI
lea $5c(a4),a0
jsr waitport(a6)
jsr getmsg(a6)
.out rts
;(* Opens the intuition library. *)
Openint move.l execbase,a6
lea intname,a1
jsr openlib(a6)
move.l d0,intbase
;(* Opens the graphics library. *)
Opengfx move.l execbase,a6
lea gfxname,a1
jsr openlib(a6)
move.l d0,gfxbase
;(* Opens the dos library. *)
Opendos move.l execbase,a6
lea dosname,a1
jsr openlib(a6)
move.l d0,dosbase
;(* Opens the main display window. *)
Openwind move.l intbase,a6
lea window_defs,a0
jsr openwindow(a6)
move.l d0,windowhd
move.l d0,displayhd
bsr SetTopaz
;(* Opens the ScribblePad window. *)
OpenSPwind btst #scribop,flag2 window open?
bne .out yes
move.l intbase,a6
lea spw_defs,a0
jsr openwindow(a6)
move.l d0,spwhd
cmp.l #0,d0 window open ok?
beq .out
bset #scribop,flag2
move.l d0,displayhd
bsr SetTopaz
.out rts
;(* Opens the Add Entry window. *)
OpenAEwind btst #addentop,flag2 window open?
bne .out yes
move.l intbase,a6
lea ae_defs,a0
jsr openwindow(a6)
move.l d0,aehd
cmp.l #0,d0 window open ok?
beq .out
; This activates the gadget so the user does not have to click it.
; NB may only work with some versions of intuition (because it is a high
; offset, it doesn't even appear in my System Programmer's Guide!)
move.l intbase,a6
move.l #entry_sgadget,a0 gadget
move.l d0,a1 window
move.l #0,a2 requestor (nil)
jsr activategadget(a6)
bset #addentop,flag2
bset #strgad,flag3
bclr #hrsgad,flag3
bclr #minsgad,flag3
.out rts
;(* Opens the Shrink window. *)
OpenShrinkwind btst #shrinkop,flag2 window open?
bne .out yes
move.l intbase,a6
lea shrink_defs,a0
jsr openwindow(a6)
move.l d0,shrinkhd
cmp.l #0,d0 window open ok?
beq .out
bset #shrinkop,flag2
move.l d0,displayhd
bsr SetTopaz
.out rts
;(* Opens the About window. *)
OpenAboutwind btst #aboutop,flag2 window open?
bne .out yes
move.l intbase,a6
lea about_defs,a0
jsr openwindow(a6)
move.l d0,abouthd
cmp.l #0,d0 window open ok?
beq .out
bset #aboutop,flag2
.out rts
;(* Opens the Invalid Inputs requestor. *)
OpenInvInpwind btst #requestop,flag2 window open?
bne .out yes
move.l intbase,a6
lea request_defs,a0
jsr openwindow(a6)
move.l d0,requesthd
cmp.l #0,d0 window open ok?
beq .out
bset #requestop,flag2
move.l intbase,a6
move.l requesthd,a0
move.l 50(a0),a0
move.l #invinp_text,a1
move.l #0,d0
move.l #0,d1
jsr printItext(a6)
move.l intbase,a6
move.l requesthd,a0
move.l 50(a0),a0 raster
lea stop_image,a1
move.w #20,d0
move.w #22,d1
jsr drawimage(a6)
.out rts
;(* Opens the Invalid File requestor. *)
OpenBadFilewind btst #requestop,flag2 window open?
bne .out yes
move.l intbase,a6
lea request_defs,a0
jsr openwindow(a6)
move.l d0,requesthd
cmp.l #0,d0 window open ok?
beq .out
bset #requestop,flag2
move.l intbase,a6
move.l requesthd,a0
move.l 50(a0),a0
move.l #badfile_text,a1
move.l #0,d0
move.l #0,d1
jsr printItext(a6)
move.l intbase,a6
move.l requesthd,a0
move.l 50(a0),a0 raster
lea stop_image,a1
move.w #20,d0
move.w #22,d1
jsr drawimage(a6)
.out rts
;(* Opens the Lookup Entry window. *)
OpenLEwind btst #lookop,flag2 window open?
bne .out yes
move.l intbase,a6
lea le_defs,a0
jsr openwindow(a6)
move.l d0,lehd
cmp.l #0,d0 window open ok?
beq .out
; This activates the gadget so the user does not have to click it.
; NB may only work with some versions of intuition (because it is a high
; offset, it doesn't even appear in my System Programmer's Guide!)
move.l intbase,a6
move.l #date_sgadget,a0 gadget
move.l d0,a1 window
move.l #0,a2 requestor (nil)
jsr activategadget(a6)
bset #lookop,flag2
.out rts
;(* Opens the Load File window. *)
OpenLFwind btst #loadop,flag2 window open?
bne .out yes
move.l intbase,a6
lea lf_defs,a0
jsr openwindow(a6)
move.l d0,lfhd
cmp.l #0,d0 window open ok?
beq .out
; This activates the gadget so the user does not have to click it.
; NB may only work with some versions of intuition (because it is a high
; offset, it doesn't even appear in my System Programmer's Guide!)
move.l intbase,a6
move.l #fileload_sgadget,a0 gadget
move.l d0,a1 window
move.l #0,a2 requestor (nil)
jsr activategadget(a6)
bset #loadop,flag2
.out rts
;(* Opens the Save File window. *)
OpenSFwind btst #saveop,flag2 window open?
bne .out yes
move.l intbase,a6
lea sf_defs,a0
jsr openwindow(a6)
move.l d0,sfhd
cmp.l #0,d0 window open ok?
beq .out
; This activates the gadget so the user does not have to click it.
; NB may only work with some versions of intuition (because it is a high
; offset, it doesn't even appear in my System Programmer's Guide!)
move.l intbase,a6
move.l #filesave_sgadget,a0 gadget
move.l d0,a1 window
move.l #0,a2 requestor (nil)
jsr activategadget(a6)
bset #saveop,flag2
.out rts
;(* Opens the ScribblePad Add Entry window. *)
OpenSAEwind btst #scribaeop,flag3 window open?
bne .out yes
move.l intbase,a6
lea sae_defs,a0
jsr openwindow(a6)
move.l d0,saehd
cmp.l #0,d0 window open ok?
beq .out
; This activates the gadget so the user does not have to click it.
; NB may only work with some versions of intuition (because it is a high
; offset, it doesn't even appear in my System Programmer's Guide!)
move.l intbase,a6
move.l #scribentry_sgadget,a0 gadget
move.l d0,a1 window
move.l #0,a2 requestor (nil)
jsr activategadget(a6)
bset #scribaeop,flag3
.out rts
;(* Opens the ScribblePad Edit Entry window. *)
OpenSEEwind btst #scribeditop,flag3 window open?
bne .out yes
move.l intbase,a6
lea scribedit_defs,a0
jsr openwindow(a6)
move.l d0,scribedithd
cmp.l #0,d0 window open ok?
beq .out
; This activates the gadget so the user does not have to click it.
; NB may only work with some versions of intuition (because it is a high
; offset, it doesn't even appear in my System Programmer's Guide!)
move.l intbase,a6
move.l #scribedit_sgadget,a0 gadget
move.l d0,a1 window
move.l #0,a2 requestor (nil)
jsr activategadget(a6)
bset #scribeditop,flag3
.out rts
;(* Opens the Edit Entry window. *)
OpenEditwind btst #editop,flag3 window open?
bne .out yes
move.l intbase,a6
lea edit_defs,a0
jsr openwindow(a6)
move.l d0,edithd
cmp.l #0,d0 window open ok?
beq .out
move.l d0,displayhd
bsr SetTopaz
; This activates the gadget so the user does not have to click it.
; NB may only work with some versions of intuition (because it is a high
; offset, it doesn't even appear in my System Programmer's Guide!)
move.l intbase,a6
move.l #editentry_sgadget,a0 gadget
move.l d0,a1 window
move.l #0,a2 requestor (nil)
jsr activategadget(a6)
bset #editop,flag3
bset #strgad,flag3
bclr #hrsgad,flag3
bclr #minsgad,flag3
.out rts
;(* Sets up the display in the main window, displays the date. *)
SetUpDisplay bsr BlankPages
move.w #120,dateXpos
move.w #163,dateYpos
move.l windowhd,displayhd
bsr GetDate
bsr DisplayDate display today's date
;(* Sets the display in the Add Entry window. *)
SetUpAEDisplay move.l gfxbase,a6
move.l aehd,a1
move.l #1,d0
bsr pencolour set white pen
move.w #330,d0
move.w #46,d1
move.l aehd,a1
bsr movepos move the cursor
move.l #includetime,a0
move.l aehd,a1
move.l #13,d0
bsr displaytext
;(* Set the time option gadget to reflect the status of the time yes/no *)
;(* flag. This way, the default yes/no value is the same as the last *)
;(* entry specified. *)
btst #timeyn,flag1 time on?
beq .notime
bsr timey_disp yes
bra .out
.notime bsr timen_disp
.out rts
;(* Sets the display in the Edit Entry window. *)
move.l gfxbase,a6
move.l edithd,a1
move.l #1,d0
bsr pencolour set white pen
move.w #200,d0
move.w #51,d1
move.l edithd,a1
bsr movepos move the cursor
move.l #includetime,a0
move.l edithd,a1
move.l #13,d0
bsr displaytext
;(* Display the time yes/no gadget as selected. *)
timey_disp move.l intbase,a6
btst #addentop,flag2 which window?
beq .edit
;(* Change the gadget in the add entry window. *)
move.l aehd,a0
move.w #440,d0
move.w #38,d1
bra .out
;(* Change the gadget in the edit entry window. *)
.edit move.l edithd,a0
move.w #310,d0
move.w #43,d1
.out move.l 50(a0),a0 raster
lea timeyesi_image,a1
jsr drawimage(a6)
;(* Display the time yes/no gadget as not selected. *)
timen_disp move.l intbase,a6
btst #addentop,flag2 which window?
beq .edit
;(* Change the gadget in the add entry window. *)
move.l aehd,a0
move.w #440,d0
move.w #38,d1
bra .out
;(* Change the gadget in the edit entry window. *)
.edit move.l edithd,a0
move.w #310,d0
move.w #43,d1
.out move.l 50(a0),a0 raster
lea timeyes_image,a1
jsr drawimage(a6)
;(* Sets the flag for when the entry string gadget is seleted. *)
StrSel bset #strgad,flag3
bclr #hrsgad,flag3
bclr #minsgad,flag3
bra reply
;(* Sets the flag for when the entry string gadget is seleted. *)
HrsSel bset #hrsgad,flag3
bclr #strgad,flag3
bclr #minsgad,flag3
bra reply
;(* Sets the flag for when the entry string gadget is seleted. *)
MinsSel bset #minsgad,flag3
bclr #strgad,flag3
bclr #strgad,flag3
bra reply
;(* Clears the pages of the diary by drawing a white rectangle. *)
BlankPages move.l windowhd,a1
move.l #1,d0
bsr pencolour
move.l gfxbase,a6
move.l windowhd,a1
move.l 50(a1),a1 rastport
move.l #8,d0
move.l #13,d1
move.l #352,d2
move.l #149,d3
jsr rectfill(a6) fill 'pages'
move.l windowhd,a0
lea border1,a1
move #0,d0
move #0,d1
bsr BorderDraw
move.l intbase,a6
move.l #flip_gadget,a0
move.l windowhd,a1
move.l #0,a2
move.l #1,d0 number of gadgets
jsr refreshGlist(a6)
;(* Expects window hd in a0, border structure in a1. X,Y pos in d0,d1 *)
BorderDraw move.l intbase,a6
move.l 50(a0),a0
jsr drawborder(a6)
Init move.l #0,calendar pointer to years list
move.l #0,start_entry
move.l #0,next_entry
move.l #0,page_start
move.l #1,scribmarker
move.b #0,flag1 clear all flags
move.b #0,flag2
move.b #0,flag3
move.b #0,flag4
bset #timeyn,flag1 time yes (AE gadgets)
bsr ClearEntryString
bsr ClearEditString
;(* Opens the topaz 8 font, normal and underlined. *)
Topaz move.l gfxbase,a6
move.l #topaz_defs,a0
jsr Openfont(a6) result in d0
tst.l d0
beq .out
move.l d0,topazbase
bset #topazset,flag3
;(* Now open the underlined topaz font *)
move.l gfxbase,a6
move.l #topazU_defs,a0
jsr Openfont(a6) result in d0
tst.l d0
beq .out
move.l d0,topazUbase
.out rts
;(* Sets the topaz 8 font. Expects current window pointer in displayhd. *)
SetTopaz move.l gfxbase,a6
move.l topazbase,a0
move.l displayhd,a1
move.l 50(a1),a1
jsr Setfont(a6)
;(* Sets the year, month, day to zero. *)
ClearDate move.l #date,a0
move.l #0,date_yr(a0) clear date
move.l #0,date_mon(a0)
move.l #0,date_day1(a0)
move.l #0,date_day2(a0)
;(* Introduces blank characters into the string displayed as a 5-digit *)
;(* decimal number. *)
ClearDecString move.l #0,decnumber
move.l #decstring,a0
move.l " ",(a0)+ clear decstring
move.b " ",(a0)
;(* Closes all open program windows, and displays the shrink window. *)
Shrink bsr Closewind
bsr CloseSPwind
bsr CloseAEwind
bsr CloseAboutwind
bsr CloseInvInpwind
bsr CloseLEwind
bsr CloseLFwind
bsr CloseSFwind
bsr CloseSAEwind
bsr CloseSEEwind
bsr CloseEditwind
bsr OpenShrinkwind
bsr GetDate
move.w #45,dateXpos
move.w #19,dateYpos
move.l shrinkhd,displayhd
bsr DisplayDate
bra finishmessage cannot replymessage
;because main window
;(* Closes the shrink window, and restores the main window and diary *)
;(* pages. *)
Unshrink bsr CloseShrinkwind
bsr Openwind
bsr SetUpDisplay
bsr FindEntry
move.l a1,start_entry
move.l a1,page_start
bsr DisplayPages re-display entries
bra finishwait
;(* Opens the about window and displays author & program information *)
About bsr OpenAboutwind
tst.l d0
beq .error
move.l intbase,a6
move.l abouthd,a0
move.l 50(a0),a0
move.l #line1_text,a1
move.l #0,d0
move.l #0,d1
jsr printItext(a6)
.error bra reply
;(* Closes the invalid inputs requestor after selecting the OK gadget. *)
Ok bsr CloseInvInpwind
bra finishmessage
Main btst #shrinkop,flag2 shrunk?
beq .next no, continue
move.l shrinkhd,currentwindow
bsr Wait
.next btst #requestop,flag2 Error requestor?
beq .next1
move.l requesthd,currentwindow
bsr Checkmsg
.next1 btst #addentop,flag2 AE window open?
beq .next3
move.l aehd,currentwindow
bsr Checkmsg
.next3 btst #aboutop,flag2 About window open?
beq .next4
move.l abouthd,currentwindow
bsr Checkmsg
.next4 btst #lookop,flag2 Lookup Entry window open?
beq .next5
move.l lehd,currentwindow
bsr Checkmsg
.next5 btst #loadop,flag2 Load File window open?
beq .next6
move.l lfhd,currentwindow
bsr Checkmsg
.next6 btst #saveop,flag2 Save File window open?
beq .next7
move.l sfhd,currentwindow
bsr Checkmsg
.next7 btst #scribaeop,flag3 ScribblePad Add Entry?
beq .next8
move.l saehd,currentwindow
bsr Checkmsg
.next8 btst #scribeditop,flag3 ScribblePad Edit Entry?
beq .next9
move.l scribedithd,currentwindow
bsr Checkmsg
.next9 btst #editop,flag3 Edit Entry window open?
beq .next10
move.l edithd,currentwindow
bsr Checkmsg
.next10 btst #scribop,flag2 SP window open?
beq .next11
move.l spwhd,currentwindow
bsr Checkmsg
.next11 move.l windowhd,currentwindow Main window
bsr Checkmsg
.out rts
;(* Waits for a message from the shrink window. This speeds up other *)
;(* programs that are multitasking. *)
Wait move.l execbase,a6
move.l currentwindow,a0
move.l 86(a0),a0
jsr waitport(a6)
move.l currentwindow,a0
move.l 86(a0),a0
jsr getmsg(a6)
move.l d0,message
bra CloseGadget unshrink gadget selected
finishwait rts
;(* Checks for the occurence of an event, and calls the correct *)
;(* routine to interpret that event. *)
Checkmsg bsr ClearPort remove any queued messages
move.l execbase,a6
move.l currentwindow,a0
move.l 86(a0),a0
jsr waitport(a6)
move.l execbase,a6
move.l currentwindow,a0
move.l 86(a0),a0 UserPort (^MsgPort)
jsr getmsg(a6)
move.l d0,message ^IntuiMessage
cmp.l #0,d0 did event occur?
beq finishmessage no
move.l d0,d6
bsr replymessage
move.l d6,a0
move.l 20(a0),d6 message Class
cmp.l #$8,d6
beq MouseHit
cmp.l #$20,d6
beq GadgetHit
cmp.l #$40,d6
beq GadgetHit
cmp.l #$200,d6
beq CloseGadget
cmp.l #$400,d6
beq Keypress
finishmessage rts
;(* Clears the port of any messages that are already waiting. This *)
;(* prevents messages 'queueing' on a window that is not yet ready to *)
;(* receive messages. *)
ClearPort move.l execbase,a6
.loop move.l currentwindow,a0
move.l 86(a0),a0
jsr getmsg(a6)
tst.l d0
beq .out
move.l d0,message
bsr replymessage
bra .loop
.out rts
;(* Replies to a system message. *)
ReplyMessage move.l execbase,a6
move.l message,a1
jsr replymsg(a6)
;(* If in shrink mode, 'unshrink' diary, else set quitp flag true. *)
CloseGadget btst #shrinkop,flag2 Window shrunk?
bne Unshrink
bset #quitp,flag1 Quit program
bra finishmessage
MouseHit btst #aboutop,flag2 About window open?
beq .out
bsr CloseAboutwind
.out bra finishmessage
;(* Takes appropriate action for a keypress. Expects pointer to *)
;(* IntuiMessage in a0. *)
Keypress move.w 26(a0),d1 message qualifier
btst #3,d1 Ctrl key?
bne .Ctrl yes
move.w 24(a0),d0 message code
cmp.w #$c4,d0 CR within gadget?
beq .CR yes
cmp.w #$44,d0 CR?
bne .out
.CR btst #lookop,flag2
bne LookUpDate as gadget $41
btst #loadop,flag2
bne Load_File as gadget $61
btst #saveop,flag2
bne SaveFile as gadget $51
btst #addentop,flag2
bne AddEntryCR
btst #editop,flag3
bne EditEntryCR
btst #scribaeop,flag3
bne AddScribEntry as gadget $81
btst #scribeditop,flag3
bne ChangeScribEntry as gadget $a3
bra .out
.Ctrl move.w 24(a0),d0 message code
cmp.w #$21,d0 Ctrl + s?
beq Save
cmp.w #$28,d0 Ctrl + l?
beq Load
cmp.w #$35,d0 Ctrl + b?
beq About
cmp.w #$25,d0 Ctrl + h?
beq Shrink
cmp.w #$18,d0 Ctrl + o?
beq SelectLE
cmp.w #$20,d0 Ctrl + a?
beq SelectAE
cmp.w #$12,d0 Ctrl + e?
beq Edit
cmp.w #$33,d0 Ctrl + c?
beq SelectSP
.out rts
;(* Takes appropriate action for a gadget click. Expects pointer to *)
;(* IntuiMessage in a0. *)
GadgetHit move.l 28(a0),a1 report structure (gadget structure
; in this instance)
move.w 38(a1),d0 Gadget ID
cmp.w #$10,d0
beq DayForward
cmp.w #$11,d0
beq DayBackward
cmp.w #$12,d0
beq WeekBackward
cmp.w #$13,d0
beq WeekForward
cmp.w #$14,d0
beq SelectAE
cmp.w #$15,d0
beq SelectSP
cmp.w #$16,d0
beq SelectLE
cmp.w #$17,d0
beq Edit
cmp.w #$18,d0
beq Load
cmp.w #$19,d0
beq Save
cmp.w #$1a,d0
beq About
cmp.w #$1b,d0
beq Shrink
cmp.w #$1c,d0
beq FlipPage
cmp.w #$20,d0
beq InsertAnEntry
cmp.w #$21,d0
beq ClearInput
cmp.w #$22,d0
beq CloseAE
cmp.w #$23,d0
beq StrSel
cmp.w #$24,d0
beq HrsSel
cmp.w #$25,d0
beq MinsSel
cmp.w #$28,d0
beq TimeOption
cmp.w #$41,d0
beq LookupDate
cmp.w #$42,d0
beq CloseLE
cmp.w #$51,d0
beq SaveFile
cmp.w #$52,d0
beq CloseSF
cmp.w #$61,d0
beq Load_File
cmp.w #$62,d0
beq CloseLF
cmp.w #$70,d0
beq SelectSAE
cmp.w #$71,d0
beq CloseSP
cmp.w #$72,d0
beq NextSP
cmp.w #$73,d0
beq SelectSee
cmp.w #$81,d0
beq AddScribEntry
cmp.w #$82,d0
beq ClearScribInput
cmp.w #$83,d0
beq CloseSAE
cmp.w #$90,d0
beq StrSel
cmp.w #$91,d0
beq HrsSel
cmp.w #$92,d0
beq MinsSel
cmp.w #$93,d0
beq TimeOption
cmp.w #$94,d0
beq NextEntry
cmp.w #$95,d0
beq PrevEntry
cmp.w #$96,d0
beq DelEntry
cmp.w #$97,d0
beq ClearEditInput
cmp.w #$98,d0
beq ChangeEntry
cmp.w #$99,d0
beq CloseEdit
cmp.w #$a1,d0
beq DelScribEntry
cmp.w #$a2,d0
beq ClearSEditInput
cmp.w #$a3,d0
beq ChangeScribEntry
cmp.w #$a4,d0
beq CloseSEE
cmp.w #$a5,d0
beq NextScribEntry
cmp.w #$a6,d0
beq PrevScribEntry
.request cmp.w #$30,d0
beq Ok
bra reply
;(* moves the text cursor. Expects x,y positon in d0,d1. Also window hd *)
;(* in a1 *)
movepos move.l gfxbase,a6 x,y in d0,d1
move.l 50(a1),a1
jsr move(a6)
;(* displays text in the current window. Expects text address in a0, *)
;(* window hd in a1, text length in d0. *)
Displaytext move.l gfxbase,a6
move.l 50(a1),a1 rastport
jsr text(a6)
;(* changes the pen colour. Expects colour in d0, window hd in a1 *)
PenColour move.l gfxbase,a6
move.l 50(a1),a1 get rastport
jsr SetApen(a6)
;(* Closes the topaz font, if open. *)
CloseTopaz btst #topazset,flag3
beq .out
move.l gfxbase,a6
move.l topazbase,a1
jsr Closefont(a6)
bclr #topazset,flag3
btst #topazUset,flag3
beq .out
move.l gfxbase,a6
move.l topazUbase,a1
jsr Closefont(a6)
bclr #topazUset,flag3
.out rts
;(* Closes the Edit Entry window, if open. *)
CloseEditwind btst #editop,flag3 window open?
beq .out no
move.l intbase,a6
move.l edithd,a0
jsr closewindow(a6)
bclr #editop,flag3
.out rts
;(* Closes the ScribblePad Add Entry window, if open. *)
CloseSAEwind btst #scribaeop,flag3 window open?
beq .out no
move.l intbase,a6
move.l saehd,a0
jsr closewindow(a6)
bclr #scribaeop,flag3
.out rts
;(* Closes the ScribblePad Edit Entry window, if open. *)
CloseSEEwind btst #scribeditop,flag3 window open?
beq .out no
move.l intbase,a6
move.l scribedithd,a0
jsr closewindow(a6)
bclr #scribeditop,flag3
.out rts
;(* Closes the Save File window, if open. *)
CloseSFwind btst #saveop,flag2 window open?
beq .out no
move.l intbase,a6
move.l sfhd,a0
jsr closewindow(a6)
bclr #saveop,flag2
.out rts
;(* Closes the Load File window, if open. *)
CloseLFwind btst #loadop,flag2 window open?
beq .out no
move.l intbase,a6
move.l lfhd,a0
jsr closewindow(a6)
bclr #loadop,flag2
.out rts
;(* Closes the Lookup Entry window, if open. *)
CloseLEwind btst #lookop,flag2 window open?
beq .out no
move.l intbase,a6
move.l lehd,a0
jsr closewindow(a6)
bclr #lookop,flag2
.out rts
;(* Closes the Invalid Inputs Requestor, if open *)
CloseInvInpwind btst #requestop,flag2 window open?
beq .out no
move.l intbase,a6
move.l requesthd,a0
jsr closewindow(a6)
bclr #requestop,flag2
.out rts
;(* Closes the About window, if open *)
CloseAboutwind btst #aboutop,flag2 window open?
beq .out no
move.l intbase,a6
move.l abouthd,a0
jsr closewindow(a6)
bclr #aboutop,flag2
.out rts
;(* Closes the shrink window, if open. *)
CloseShrinkwind btst #shrinkop,flag2 window open?
beq .out no
;(* First, save the position of the window by copying the position to *)
;(* the window structure used by openwindow. *)
move.l shrinkhd,a0 window structure
move.l #shrink_defs,a1 open window structure
move.w 4(a0),(a1) copy x pos
move.w 6(a0),2(a1) copy y pos
;(* Now close the window. *)
move.l intbase,a6
move.l shrinkhd,a0
jsr closewindow(a6)
bclr #shrinkop,flag2
.out rts
;(* Closes the Add Entry window, if open *)
CloseAEwind btst #addentop,flag2 window open?
beq .out no
move.l intbase,a6
move.l aehd,a0
jsr closewindow(a6)
bclr #addentop,flag2
.out rts
;(* Closes the ScribblePad window, if open. *)
CloseSPwind btst #scribop,flag2 window open?
beq .out no
move.l intbase,a6
move.l spwhd,a0
jsr closewindow(a6)
bclr #scribop,flag2
.out rts
;(* Closes the main window, if open. *)
Closewind btst #shrinkop,flag2 shrunk?
bne .out yes
;(* First, save the position of the window by copying the position to *)
;(* the window structure used by openwindow. *)
move.l windowhd,a0 window structure
move.l #window_defs,a1 open window structure
move.w 4(a0),(a1) copy x pos
move.w 6(a0),2(a1) copy y pos
;(* Now close the window. *)
move.l intbase,a6
move.l windowhd,a0
jsr closewindow(a6)
.out rts
;(* Closes the dos library. *)
Closedos move.l execbase,a6
move.l dosbase,a1
jsr closelib(a6)
;(* Closes the Graphics library. *)
Closegfx move.l execbase,a6
move.l gfxbase,a1
jsr closelib(a6)
;(* Closes the Intuition library. *)
Closeint move.l execbase,a6
move.l intbase,a1
jsr closelib(a6)
*-------------- DATE ROUTINES -------------------------------------------*
;(* Gets the internal format of date & time, and returns the date in the *)
;(* four longwords stored as 'date'. Format is day1 (eg. Sun, Mon etc) *)
;(* year, month, day2 (eg. 16th) *)
GetDate bsr ClearDate
bclr #leap,flag1 clear, because bit is used
move.l dosbase,a6
move.l #date,d1 3 reserved longwords
jsr datestamp(a6)
move.l d1,a0 address of date
move.l (a0),d0 number of days since...
move.l d0,d5 ...Jan 1st, 1978
move.l d0,d1 store
; Get the day (0=Sunday, 1=Monday etc) first
divs #7,d0
and.l #$ffff0000,d0 get upper half (remainder)
swap d0 move to lower half
move.l #date,a0
move.l d0,date_day2(a0) store in structure
; Get the year next
move.l d1,d0 restore value
move.l #years,a1 year lengths (days)
move.l #0,d2 number of years
move.l #0,d3 counter for list
.yearloop cmp.w #8,d3 end of list?
bne .ok no
move.l #0,d3 back to start of list
.ok move.w (a1,d3),d4
sub.w d4,d0
cmp.w #0,d0 got right year?
blt .foundyear
move.l d0,d1 update store
add.w #2,d3 update counter
addq #1,d2 increment year
bra .yearloop
.foundyear move.l d2,d4 d4=number of years
add.l #1978,d2
move.l #date,a1
move.l d2,date_yr(a1) THIS YEAR
divs #4,d2
swap d2
cmp.w #0,d2 is this a leap year?
bne .notleap
bset #leap,flag1 yes
move.l d1,d0 number days this year
move.l #months,a0
move.l #0,d3 month (jan = 0)
.loop move.w (a0)+,d2
cmp.w #28,d2 feb?
bne .notfeb
btst #leap,flag1 leap year?
beq .notfeb no
add.w #1,d2 add one day for 29th
.notfeb sub.w d2,d0
cmp.w #0,d0
blt .foundmonth
move.l d0,d1 update store
add.l #1,d3
bra .loop
.foundmonth add.l #1,d1
move.l d1,date_day1(a1) DAYS THIS MONTH
move.l d3,date_mon(a1) MONTH
;(* Given a date in normal format (dd-mon-yy) workout which day of the *)
;(* week it is. Expects date as 1st 3 longwords of date, returns weekday *)
;(* as 4th longword. *)
;(* Advances forward from 1st Jan 1978, to given date, or backwards if *)
;(* the date is before 1st Jan 1978. *)
CorrectDay move.l #1,tmpday
move.l #1978,tmpyear
move.l #date,a0
move.l #0,date_day2(a0) Jan 1st, 1978
move.l date_yr(a0),d0
cmp.l #1978,d0
blt .back
bsr CorrectForwards
.back bsr CorrectBackwards
;(* Works out the week day by moving forwards from 1st Jan 1978 until *)
;(* the given date is found. *)
move.l #0,tmpmon
; while year < NewYear do begin
.year move.l #date,a0
move.l date_yr(a0),d3
cmp.l tmpyear,d3
ble .month
; if year is leap, advance day2 by 2, else advance by 1
move.l tmpyear,d0
bsr isleapyear returns boolean result
tst.l d0
beq .notleap
move.l #1,d0
bsr AdvanceWeekday
.notleap move.l #1,d0
bsr AdvanceWeekday
add.l #1,tmpyear
bra .year end while {year}
; while mon < NewMonth do begin
.month move.l #date,a0
move.l date_mon(a0),d2
cmp.l tmpmon,d2
ble .day
; get month length from table
move.l #months,a1 table of lengths
move.l tmpmon,d0
muls #2,d0 word lengths
add.l d0,a1
move.w (a1),d5 get month length
sub.w #1,d5
.loop1 move.l #1,d0
bsr AdvanceWeekday move through month
dbf d5,.loop1
add.l #1,tmpmon
bra .month end while {month}
; while day < NewDay do begin
.day move.l #date,a0
move.l date_day1(a0),d1
cmp.l tmpday,d1
ble .foundday
move.l #1,d0
bsr AdvanceWeekday move forward another day
add.l #1,tmpday
bra .day
.foundday rts end {day}
tmpday dc.l 0
tmpmon dc.l 0
tmpyear dc.l 0
;(* If the date given is before 1st Jan 1978, must search backwards to *)
;(* get correct weekday. *)
move.l #11,tmpmon
move.l #months,a1 table of lengths
move.l tmpmon,d0
muls #2,d0 word lengths
add.l d0,a1
move.w (a1),d5 get month length
;sub.l #1,d5 month starts at 0
move.l d5,tmpday
; while year > NewYear do begin
.year move.l #date,a0
move.l date_yr(a0),d3
cmp.l tmpyear,d3
bge .month
; if year is leap, retreat day2 by 2, else retreat by 1
move.l tmpyear,d0
bsr isleapyear returns boolean result
tst.l d0
beq .notleap
move.l #1,d0
bsr RetreatWeekday
.notleap move.l #1,d0
bsr RetreatWeekday
sub.l #1,tmpyear
bra .year end while {year}
; while mon > NewMonth do begin
.month move.l #date,a0
move.l date_mon(a0),d2
cmp.l tmpmon,d2
bge .day
; get month length from table
move.l #months,a1 table of lengths
move.l tmpmon,d0
muls #2,d0 word lengths
add.l d0,a1
move.w (a1),d5 get month length
sub.w #1,d5
.loop1 move.l #1,d0
bsr RetreatWeekday move through month
dbf d5,.loop1
sub.l #1,tmpmon
bra .month end while {month}
; while day > NewDay do begin
.day move.l #date,a0
move.l date_day1(a0),d1
cmp.l tmpday,d1
bge .foundday
move.l #1,d0
bsr RetreatWeekday move backward another day
sub.l #1,tmpday
bra .day
.foundday rts end {day}
;(* Gets the date in internal format, converts it to normal format, and *)
;(* displays it in the window as dd-mon-yy. Expects x,y position in *)
;(* dateXpos, dateYpos. Expects current window in displayhd *)
DisplayDate bsr ClearDecString
move.l gfxbase,a6
move.l displayhd,a1
move.l 50(a1),a1
move.l #1,d0 JAM2
jsr setDrMd(a6) set mode
move.l displayhd,a1
move.l #3,d0
bsr pencolour set orange pen
move.l #date,a0
move.l date_day1(a0),d0 day
bsr Convert
move.w dateXpos,d0
move.w dateYpos,d1
move.l displayhd,a1
bsr movepos
move.w #2,digits
lea decnumber,a0
add.l #2,a0
bsr DisplayDecimal display day
move.w dateXpos,d0
add.w #17,d0
move.w dateYpos,d1
move.l displayhd,a1
bsr movepos
move.l #date,a0
move.l date_mon(a0),d0 month
muls #3,d0
lea monthnames,a0
add.l d0,a0
lea decstring,a1
move.b #"-",(a1)+
move.b (a0)+,(a1)+
move.b (a0)+,(a1)+
move.b (a0),(a1)+
move.b #"-",(a1)
lea decstring,a0
move.l displayhd,a1
move.w #5,d0
bsr displaytext display month
move.l #0,decnumber clear values
move.l #date,a0
move.l date_yr(a0),d0 year
bsr Convert
move.w dateXpos,d0
add.w #58,d0
move.w dateYpos,d1
move.l displayhd,a1
bsr movepos
move.w #4,digits
lea decnumber,a0
bsr DisplayDecimal display year
move.l #date,a0
move.l date_day2(a0),d0 day of week
muls #6,d0 length of strings
move.l #daynames,a1 table of names
add.l d0,a1 get desired day
lea spare_text,a2 address of text
move.w #5,d1 length
.loop move.b (a1)+,(a2)+
dbf d1,.loop
lea spare_text,a0 string
move.l displayhd,a1
move.w #6,d0
bsr displaytext display day
;(* Changes the date as a result of user selecting day forward or week *)
;(* forward. Expects number of days moved (1 or 7) in d0 *)
DateForward bsr AdvanceWeekday
move.l #date,a0
move.l date_mon(a0),d1 month
move.l d1,d4
move.l date_day1(a0),d2 day
add.l d0,d2 add number of days
move.l #months,a1 month lengths
muls #2,d4
move.w (a1,d4),d3 length of this month
cmp.w #28,d3
bne .notfeb
move.l date_yr(a0),d0 year
bsr IsLeapYear
add.w d0,d3 result 1 or 0 added
.notfeb cmp.w d2,d3 still in this month?
bge .ok
sub.w d3,d2
add.w #1,d1 one month forward
cmp.w #12,d1 end of year?
blt .ok
move.l #0,date_mon(a0) month = Jan
add.l #1,date_yr(a0) increment year
move.l d2,date_day1(a0) new date
.ok move.l d2,date_day1(a0)
move.l d1,date_mon(a0)
;(* Changes the date forward by one day, displays change in main window *)
DayForward move.l #1,d0
bsr DateForward
move.w #120,dateXpos
move.w #163,dateYpos
move.l windowhd,displayhd
bsr DisplayDate
bsr FindEntry
move.l a1,start_entry
move.l a1,page_start
bsr DisplayPages
bra reply
;(* Changes the date forward by one week, displays change in main window *)
WeekForward move.l #7,d0
bsr DateForward
move.w #120,dateXpos
move.w #163,dateYpos
move.l windowhd,displayhd
bsr DisplayDate
bsr FindEntry
move.l a1,start_entry
move.l a1,page_start
bsr DisplayPages
bra reply
;(* Moves the weekday (sun=0, mon=1 etc) forward by a number of days. *)
;(* Expects number of days in d0 (1 or 7). *)
;(* Reflects the change in date. *)
AdvanceWeekday move.l #date,a0
move.l date_day2(a0),d2 day (0=sun, 1=mon)
add.l d0,d2
cmp.l #6,d2
ble .dayfine
sub.l #7,d2 have gone into next week
.dayfine move.l d2,date_day2(a0) reflect change in date
;(* Moves the weekday (sun=0, mon=1 etc) backward by a number of days. *)
;(* Expects number of days in d0 (1 or 7). *)
;(* Reflects the change in date. *)
RetreatWeekday move.l #date,a0
move.l date_day2(a0),d2 day (0=sun, 1=mon)
cmp.l #0,d2
bne .notsun
move.l #7,d2
.notsun sub.l d0,d2
cmp.l #0,d2
bge .dayfine
add.l #7,d2 have gone into next week
.dayfine move.l d2,date_day2(a0) reflect change in date
;(* Changes the date as a result of user selecting day backward or week *)
;(* backward. Expects number of days moved (1 or 7) in d0 *)
DateBackward bsr RetreatWeekday change the weekday
move.l #date,a0
move.l date_mon(a0),d1 month
move.l date_day1(a0),d2 day
sub.l d0,d2 number of days
cmp.w #0,d2 still this month?
bgt .ok
sub.l #1,d1 go back one month
move.l d1,d4 store
cmp.l #0,d1 still this year?
bge .yearok
move.l #11,date_mon(a0) December
add.l #31,d2 set date
move.l d2,date_day1(a0)
sub.l #1,date_yr(a0) go back one year
.yearok move.l #months,a1
muls #2,d4
move.w (a1,d4),d4 month length
cmp.w #28,d4
bne .notfeb
move.l date_yr(a0),d0 year
bsr IsLeapYear
add.w d0,d4 result 1 or 0 added
.notfeb add.w d4,d2 number of days
.ok move.l d2,date_day1(a0) date
move.l d1,date_mon(a0) month
;(* Changes the date back by one day, displays change in main window *)
DayBackward move.l #1,d0
bsr DateBackward
move.w #120,dateXpos
move.w #163,dateYpos
move.l windowhd,displayhd
bsr DisplayDate
bsr FindEntry
move.l a1,start_entry
move.l a1,page_start
bsr DisplayPages
bra reply
;(* Changes the date back by one week, displays change in main window. *)
WeekBackward move.l #7,d0
bsr DateBackward
move.w #120,dateXpos
move.w #163,dateYpos
move.l windowhd,displayhd
bsr DisplayDate
bsr FindEntry
move.l a1,start_entry
move.l a1,page_start
bsr DisplayPages
bra reply
;(* Determines whether or not a year is a leap year. Expects year in d0 *)
;(* Returns boolean value in d0. *)
IsLeapYear divs #4,d0
swap d0
cmp.w #0,d0 remainder = 0?
beq .isleap
move.l #0,d0
.isleap move.l #1,d0
;(* Opens the Load Entry window, and returns to the main loop. *)
SelectLE bsr ClearDateString
bsr OpenLEwind
tst.l d0
beq .error
.error bra reply
;(* Closes the Lookup Entry window, and returns to the main display. *)
CloseLE bsr CloseLEwind
bra finishmessage
;(* Closes the Load File window, and returns to the main display. *)
CloseLF bsr CloseLFwind
bra finishmessage
;(* Closes the Save File window, and returns to the main display. *)
CloseSF bsr CloseSFwind
bra finishmessage
;(* Introduces blank characters into the string that is displayed as *)
;(* the date in the main and shrink windows. *)
move.l #datebuffer,a0
cmp.l #0,a0
beq .error
move.l #0,(a0)+ clear string
move.l #0,(a0)+
move.l #0,(a0)+
move.l #0,(a0)+
move.l #0,(a0)+
move.l #0,(a0)+
move.l #0,(a0)+
move.l #0,(a0)+
move.l #0,(a0)+
move.l #date_sinfo,a0
move.l #0,28(a0) clear numerical value
.error rts
;(* Gets the information from the integer gadget, and sets the date *)
;(* to that value. Also goes to that page of the diary. *)
LookupDate move.l #date_sinfo,a0
move.l #datecopy,a1
move.l 28(a0),d0
divs #10000,d0 get day
move.l d0,d2 store
and.l #$ff,d0
move.l d0,date_day1(a1) set day in buffer
move.l d2,d1
swap d1
and.l #$ffff,d1 mask lower half
divs #100,d1 get month
move.l d1,d2 store
and.l #$ff,d1
sub.l #1,d1 jan = 0 (remember?)
move.l d1,date_mon(a1) set month in buffer
move.l d2,d0
swap d0
and.l #$ff,d0 get year
cmp.l #0,d0
blt .error
cmp.l #99,d0
bgt .error
cmp.l #30,d0
blt .2000
add.l #1900,d0 make 4 digits
bra .done
.2000 add.l #2000,d0
.done move.l d0,date_yr(a1) set year in buffer
bsr CheckDate
cmp.l #0,d0
beq .error
move.l #datecopy,a0 if date is valid
move.l #date,a1 copy from buffer
move.l (a0)+,(a1)+
move.l (a0)+,(a1)+
move.l (a0),(a1)
move.w #120,dateXpos
move.w #163,dateYpos
move.l windowhd,displayhd
bsr CorrectDay set weekday
bsr DisplayDate
bsr FindEntry
move.l a1,start_entry
move.l a1,page_start
bsr DisplayPages
bsr CloseLEwind
bra finishmessage
.error bsr Openinvinpwind
bra finishmessage
;(* Checks the validity of the day for a given month, eg. Feb 31st is *)
;(* invalid. Also checks month is in range Jan...Dec. Assumes validity *)
;(* of year lower half (00-99) to have been checked by calling routine. *)
;(* Expects date in datecopy (3 longwords yymmdd). Returns boolean *)
;(* result in d0. *)
CheckDate move.l #months,a0 month lengths
move.l #datecopy,a1
move.l date_mon(a1),d1
cmp.l #0,d1 < Jan?
blt .error
cmp.l #11,d1 > Dec?
bgt .error
move.l d1,d3 store month
muls #2,d1 must be even
move.w (a0,d1),d1 length
cmp.l #1,d3 Feb?
bne .notleap
move.l date_yr(a1),d0
bsr IsLeapYear
cmp.l #0,d0
beq .notleap
add.l #1,d1 Feb 29th
.notleap move.l #datecopy,a1
move.l date_day1(a1),d0
cmp.w d0,d1 check day
bge .fine
.error move.l #0,d0 false
.fine move.l #1,d0 true
*-------------- DIARY TEXT ROUTINES -------------------------------------*
;(* Handles the displaying of entries in the pages of the diary. Expects *)
;(* address of first entry on the page in page_start. *)
DisplayPages bsr BlankPages clear previous entries
bsr SetPageFlags
bsr SetPageMode
move.w #56,lineXpos initial positions
move.w #22,lineYpos
move.l page_start,a1
.loop cmp.l #0,a1 no entry?
beq .noentries
move.l a1,a5 store
move.w lineXpos,d0
sub.w #36,d0 time is in left margin
move.w lineYpos,d1
bsr SetTimePos
move.l a5,a1 restore entry pointer
bsr DisplayEntryTime
bsr SetEntryPos move cursor
move.l a5,a1 restore pointer
bsr DisplayEntry display one entry
btst #pagebottom,flag4 limit reached?
beq .skip no
btst #sidetwo,flag4 second half?
bne .endpage yes
btst #splitentry,flag4 entry split at bottom?
beq .nosplit no
move.l #19,leftmargin
move.l #180,rightmargin
bsr clearoldlines
.nosplit move.w #221,lineXpos move to second page
move.w #22,lineYpos
bset #sidetwo,flag4
btst #splitentry,flag4 entry split at bottom?
beq .skip no
move.l a5,a1 re-display last entry
bra .loop
;(* Entry has been displayed, and no flags have been set. Find next *)
;(* entry and continue displaying page. *)
.skip move.l ent_next(a5),a1
cmp.l #0,a1 end of list?
bne .loop
bra .backtostart
;(* At this stage, bottom of the second half page has been reached. *)
.endpage btst #splitentry,flag4 split entry?
beq .nosplit2 no
move.l #186,leftmargin
move.l #342,rightmargin
bsr clearoldlines
move.l a5,next_entry start of next page
.nosplit2 move.l ent_next(a5),a1
cmp.l #0,a1
beq .backtostart
move.l a1,next_entry set start of next page
;(* Here, the next entry in the list is nul, so set first entry for the *)
;(* day as the first entry on next page. *)
.backtostart bsr FindDay result in a0
move.l day_entry(a0),next_entry first entry for day
; set as start of next page
.noentries rts no entries on that page
;(* Sets the drawing mode to JAM1, required to display the entries in *)
;(* the window. *)
SetPageMode move.l gfxbase,a6
move.l windowhd,a1
move.l 50(a1),a1
move.l #0,d0 JAM1
jsr setDrMd(a6) set mode
;(* Sets/Clears the relevant flags for the state of a page initially. *)
SetPageFlags bclr #linebrk,flag1 line break
bclr #pagebottom,flag4
bclr #splitentry,flag4
bclr #sidetwo,flag4
;(* Moves the cursor to the start of line position, to display the entry *)
;(* time for a diary entry. Also changes the pen colour to orange. *)
SetTimePos move.l windowhd,a1
bsr movepos move cursor
move.l windowhd,a1
move.l #3,d0
bsr pencolour set orange pen
;(* Moves the cursor to the start of line position, to display a diary *)
;(* entry. Also sets the pen colour to black. *)
SetEntryPos move.w lineXpos,d0
move.w lineYpos,d1
move.l windowhd,a1
bsr movepos
move.l windowhd,a1
move.l #2,d0
bsr pencolour set black pen
;(* Removes traces of a split entry from its first location. *)
clearoldlines move.l windowhd,a1
move.l #1,d0
bsr pencolour set pen white
move.w entry_lines,d5 # of lines of text
sub.w #1,d5 because dbf
add.w #1,lineYpos
.blankloop bsr upline
move.l gfxbase,a6
move.l windowhd,a1
move.l 50(a1),a1 rastport
move.l #0,d1
move.l leftmargin,d0 topleft x
move.w lineYpos,d1 topleft y
move.w d1,d3 bottomright y
sub.w #9,d1
move.l rightmargin,d2 bottomright x
jsr rectfill(a6) fill 'pages'
dbf d5,.blankloop
move.l intbase,a6
move.l #flip_gadget,a0
move.l windowhd,a1
move.l #0,a2
move.l #1,d0 number of gadgets
jsr refreshGlist(a6)
;(* Flips to the next 'page' of the diary without changing the date. *)
;(* Necessary when there are too many entries for one page. *)
FlipPage move.l next_entry,page_start
bsr DisplayPages
bra reply
;(* Finds the pointer to the day structure for the day shown in the *)
;(* window date. Returns pointer to day in a0. *)
FindDay move.l calendar,a0 pointer to first year
move.l #date,a1
move.l date_yr(a1),d0 get year
.loop cmp.l #0,a0 end of list
beq .noentries
move.w yr_year(a0),d1 get year number eg. 1992
cmp.w d0,d1
beq .foundyear
move.l yr_next(a0),a0 pointer to next year
bra .loop
.foundyear move.l date_mon(a1),d0 get month
muls #4,d0
add.l #yr_list,a0 start of months
move.l (a0,d0),a0 pointer to month
cmp.l #0,a0 no month?
beq .noentries
move.l date_day1(a1),d0 get day from date
move.w #0,d1
move.l mon_day(a0),a0 pointer to day
.dayloop cmp.l #0,a0
beq .noentries
move.b day_day(a0),d1 get day from day struct.
cmp.w d0,d1
beq .foundentry
move.l day_next(a0),a0 get next day
bra .dayloop
.foundentry rts address in a0
.noentries move.l #0,a0 set nul value
;(* Finds the first entry for the day shown in the window date. Returns *)
;(* pointer to entry in a1 *)
FindEntry bsr FindDay get address in a0
cmp.l #0,a0 any entries?
beq .noentries
move.l day_entry(a0),a1 pointer to entry
.noentries move.l #0,a1 nul pointer
;(* Displays a single entry in a diary page. Expects pointer to entry *)
;(* in a1. *)
DisplayEntry bclr #pagebottom,flag4 clear overflow
bset #splitentry,flag4 assume split initially
move.w #0,entry_lines
move.l ent_text(a1),a0
.line clr.w d0
clr.w d1 number of chars
move.b (a0),d0
cmp.w #0,d0 end of text?
beq .break
cmp.w #" ",d0
bne .nospace
add.l #1,a0 skip space at start
.nospace move.l a0,a2 store start of line
.loop move.b (a0)+,d0 inspect one char
cmp.w #0,d0 end of text?
beq .endtext
addq #1,d1
cmp.w #line_width,d1 line full?
beq .wholeline
bra .loop
.wholeline clr.w d2
move.b (a0)+,d2 complete word at EOL?
cmp.w #" ",d2
beq .okline
cmp.w #0,d2
beq .okline
sub.l #1,a0 go back one char
.backloop cmp.w #" ",d0 last char a space?
beq .okline
subq #1,d1 decrease width
move.b -(a0),d0
cmp.l a0,a2 back to start?
bne .backloop search back through line
move.l #line_width,d1 full line
add.l #line_width,a0
.okline move.l a0,a4 start of next line
move.l a2,a0 start of this line
move.l d1,d0 number of chars
bsr displayline
move.l a4,a0
bsr downline move down a line
add.w #1,entry_lines
move.w lineYpos,d1
cmp.w #page_limit,d1 over?
bgt .over
bra .line do next line
.endtext bclr #splitentry,flag4 entry is not split
move.l a2,a0 start of line
move.l d1,d0 number of chars
bsr displayline
bsr downline
add.w #1,entry_lines
.break bsr downline
add.w #1,entry_lines
move.w lineYpos,d1
cmp.w #page_limit,d1
bgt .over
.over bset #pagebottom,flag4
;(* Displays the entry time in the diary page. Expects entry address in *)
;(* a1. *)
move.w ent_stat(a1),d0 get entry status
btst #timeyn,d0 time specified?
beq .out no
move.w ent_time(a1),d0 get time combination
move.l #spare_text,a0 text string
divs #100,d0 get HOURS
move.l d0,d1
and.l #$ffff,d0 mask out remainder
divs #10,d0 split digits
add.w #$30,d0 convert to ASCII
move.b d0,(a0) copy to text string
swap d0 get other digit
add.w #$30,d0
move.b d0,1(a0)
swap d1 get MINUTES (remainder)
and.l #$ffff,d1 mask out upper half
divs #10,d1 split digits
add.w #$30,d1
move.b d1,2(a0)
swap d1 get other digit
add.w #$30,d1
move.b d1,3(a0)
move.l #4,d0 number of chars
bsr DisplayLine
.out btst #linebrk,flag1 line break displayed?
bne .nobreak
bset #linebrk,flag1
move.w #line_width,d0
add.w #5,d0
move.l #line_break,a0
bsr displayline
bsr downline
.nobreak rts
;(* Moves the text cursor down one line *)
downline add.w #10,lineYpos
move.w lineXpos,d0
move.w lineYpos,d1
move.l windowhd,a1
bsr movepos
;(* Moves the text cursor up one line *)
upline sub.w #10,lineYpos
move.w lineXpos,d0
move.w lineYpos,d1
move.l windowhd,a1
bsr movepos
;(* Displays a single line of text for a diary entry. Expects pointer to *)
;(* to text in a0, number of chars in d0 *)
DisplayLine move.l windowhd,a1
bsr displaytext
;(* Changes the time option on/off for diary entries. *)
TimeOption bchg #timeyn,flag1
bra reply
*-------------- ADD ENTRY ROUTINES --------------------------------------*
;(* Opens the Add Entry window, and returns to main loop. *)
SelectAE bsr ClearEntryString
bsr OpenAEwind
tst.l d0
beq .error
bsr SetUpAEDisplay
.error bra reply
;(* Replies to the message, closes the Add Entry window, and returns to *)
;(* the main loop. *)
CloseAE bsr CloseAEwind
bra finishmessage
;(* Takes appropriate action when CR is hit in the Add Entry window. *)
;(* The program moves through each of the string gadgets, then acts as *)
;(* if OK had been selected. *)
AddEntryCR btst #timeyn,flag1 if time OFF, do not need
beq InsertAnEntry to check hrs/mins
btst #strgad,flag3 first gadget?
bne .acthrs yes, activate hours gadget
btst #hrsgad,flag3 second gadget?
bne .actmins yes, activate mins gadget
bra InsertAnEntry as gadget $20
.acthrs move.l intbase,a6
move.l #hours_sgadget,a0 gadget
move.l aehd,a1 window
move.l #0,a2 requestor (nil)
jsr activategadget(a6)
bclr #strgad,flag3 set gadget flags ...
bset #hrsgad,flag3 ... appropriately
bclr #minsgad,flag3
bra .out
.actmins move.l intbase,a6
move.l #mins_sgadget,a0 gadget
move.l aehd,a1 window
move.l #0,a2 requestor (nil)
jsr activategadget(a6)
bclr #hrsgad,flag3
bset #minsgad,flag3
bclr #strgad,flag3
.out bra reply
;(* Introduces blank characters into the add entry string gadgets. *)
move.l #entrybuffer,a0 clear string buffer
moveq #71,d0
.loop move.b #0,(a0)+
dbf d0,.loop
move.l #hoursbuffer,a0
move.l #0,(a0)+ clear hours
move.l #0,(a0)+
move.l #0,(a0)
move.l #minsbuffer,a0
move.l #0,(a0)+ clear mins
move.l #0,(a0)+
move.l #0,(a0)
move.l #hours_sinfo,a0
move.l #0,28(a0)
move.l #mins_sinfo,a0
move.l #0,28(a0)
;(* Clears the current user selection from the add entry window. *)
ClearInput bsr ClearEntryString
move.l intbase,a6
move.l #entry_sgadget,a0
move.l AEhd,a1
move.l #0,a2
move.l #3,d0 number of gadgets
jsr refreshGlist(a6)
bra reply
;(* Deals with the whole process of creating an entry from the info *)
;(* provided by the user in the Add Entry window, and inserting the *)
;(* entry into the diary. *)
InsertAnEntry bsr CheckInputs
btst #requestop,flag2 Error requestor
bne .error yes
bsr CloseAEwind
move.l #date,a0
move.l date_yr(a0),d0 year (today)
move.l date_yr(a0),d4 store
bsr YearExists
cmp.l #1,d1
beq .year
.noyear move.l d4,d0
bsr ReserveYear returns address in a1
.year move.l a1,a4 store
move.l #date,a0
move.l date_mon(a0),d0 month (today)
move.l date_mon(a0),d4 store
move.l a1,a0 year address
bsr MonthExists returns address in a1
cmp.l #1,d1
beq .month
.nomonth move.l a4,a0 year address
move.l d4,d0 month
bsr ReserveMonth
.month move.l #date,a0
move.l date_day1(a0),d0 day (today)
move.l a1,a0 month address
move.l a1,a4 store
bsr DayExists returns address in a1
cmp.l #1,d1
bne .noday
move.l a1,a4 save address
bra .day
.noday bsr CreateDay returns address in d0
move.l a4,a0 month address
move.l d0,a1 day address
move.l d0,a4 store
bsr InsertDay
.day bclr #editinp,flag1 Take inputs from AE window
bsr ReserveEntry result in d0
move.l d0,a1 entry address
move.l a4,a0 day address
move.l a0,daystore
bsr InsertEntry
bsr DisplayPages
.error bra finishmessage
;(* Checks the validity of the inputs for an entry made by the user in *)
;(* the add entry window. *)
CheckInputs move.l #hours_sinfo,a0
move.l 28(a0),d0 get hours value
cmp.l #23,d0
bgt .error
cmp.l #0,d0
blt .error
move.l #mins_sinfo,a0
move.l 28(a0),d0 get mins value
cmp.l #59,d0
bgt .error
cmp.l #0,d0
blt .error
rts inputs fine
.error bsr OpenInvInpwind invalid inputs
;(* Inserts a day into a month. Expects month in a0, day in a1 *)
InsertDay clr.w d0
move.b mon_number(a0),d0 number of entries
cmp.w #0,d0 empty?
bne .notempty
move.b #1,mon_number(a0) trivial case
move.l a1,mon_day(a0)
.notempty clr.w d0
move.b day_day(a1),d0 date of new day
move.l a0,a3 store previous
move.l mon_day(a0),a2 pointer to first day
.scan clr.w d1
move.b day_day(a2),d1 date of day in list
cmp.w d1,d0
blt .found
move.l a2,a3 store previous
move.l day_next(a2),a2 next day in list
cmp.l #0,a2 end of list?
bne .scan no
move.l a1,day_next(a3) yes
.found move.l day_next(a3),day_next(a1)
; pointer to next day
move.l a1,day_next(a3) insert our day
;(* Inserts an entry into the entry list for a particular day. Expects *)
;(* address of day in a0, address of entry in a1 *)
InsertEntry move.l day_entry(a0),d0 pointer to list of entries
cmp.l #0,d0 empty list?
bne .notempty
move.l a1,day_entry(a0) trivial case
move.l a1,start_entry first entry on page
move.l a1,next_entry
move.l a1,page_start
.notempty move.w ent_stat(a1),d1 status
btst #timeyn,d1 time specified?
beq .notime no (add to end of list)
; if the first entry in the list has no time specified, and the new
; entry does, then insert at the start.
.time move.l day_entry(a0),a2 first entry
move.w ent_stat(a2),d1 status
btst #timeyn,d1 time specified?
bne .findplace yes
move.l a2,ent_next(a1)
move.l a1,day_entry(a0) insert at start
move.l a1,start_entry set first entry
move.l a1,next_entry start of next page
move.l a1,page_start and page start
; New entry does not go at the start or end, so scan through list
; until a correct time slot is found, or until the next entry has no
; time, in which case insert there.
.findplace move.l day_entry(a0),a2 address of entry list
move.l a0,a3 store previous
.scanlist move.w ent_stat(a2),d0 entry status
btst #timeyn,d0 time specified?
beq .found no
move.w ent_time(a2),d0 time of entry
move.w ent_time(a1),d1 time of new entry
cmp.w d0,d1
ble .found
move.l a2,a3 store previous
move.l ent_next(a2),a2 next entry
cmp.l #0,a2 end of list?
beq .listend yes
bra .scanlist
.listend move.l a1,ent_next(a3) add new entry to end of
rts list
.found move.l ent_next(a3),ent_next(a1)
move.l a1,ent_next(a3) insert our new entry
cmp.l daystore,a3 start of list?
bne .endfound no
move.l a1,start_entry yes, set first entry
move.l a1,next_entry
move.l a1,page_start and page start
.endfound rts
.notime move.l day_entry(a0),a2 first entry
.loop move.l a2,a3 copy pointer
move.l ent_next(a2),a2 next entry
cmp.l #0,a2 end of list?
bne .loop no
bra .listend yes
;(* Creates a diary entry from the information supplied by the user in *)
;(* the add entry window. Returns address of entry in d0, returns 0 *)
;(* (error) if there was no memory. *)
;(* Uses Add Entry inputs if bit clear, otherwise use Edit Entry inputs *)
ReserveEntry btst #editinp,flag1 which window inputs?
bne .edit edit entry window
move.l #entrybuffer,a0 add entry window
bra .add
.edit move.l #editentrybuffer,a0
.add clr.l d0 number of bytes
.loop clr.l d1
move.b (a0)+,d1
cmp.w #0,d1 end of string?
beq .done yes
addq #1,d0
bra .loop
.done addq #1,d0 this adds nul char at eot
move.l d0,d3 store size
move.l execbase,a6 number of bytes in d0
move.l #$10000,d1 clear & reserve
jsr allocmem(a6)
cmp.l #0,d0 enough memory?
beq .nomem
move.l d0,d2 store address
bsr CreateEntry
cmp.l #0,d0 enough memory?
beq .nomem
move.l d0,a0 address of entry
move.l d2,ent_text(a0) pointer to text block
move.w d3,ent_txt_size(a0) size of text block (bytes)
btst #editinp,flag1 which inputs?
bne .edit1
move.l #entrybuffer,a1 source
bra .add1
.edit1 move.l #editentrybuffer,a1
.add1 move.l d2,a2 destination
sub.l #1,d3 counter
.cloop move.b (a1)+,(a2)+ copy text to memory
dbf d3,.cloop
btst #timeyn,flag1 time yes/no
beq .out
move.w #%00000100,ent_stat(a0) set time yes
move.l #hours_sinfo,a1
move.l 28(a1),d0 get hours from gadget
muls #100,d0
move.l #mins_sinfo,a1 get mins from gadget
add.l 28(a1),d0
move.w d0,ent_time(a0) put in entry
.out move.l a0,d0 address of entry
.nomem rts
;(* Determines the existence of a day in the month *)
;(* Expects day (date, eg. 16) as a word passed in d0, month address in *)
;(* a0. Returns result in d1, address of day in a1 *)
DayExists move.l mon_day(a0),a0 pointer to first (used) day
cmp.l #0,a0 empty list?
beq .notpresent yes
.scanlist clr.l d2
move.b day_day(a0),d2 date
cmp.w d0,d2
beq .present
move.l day_next(a0),a0 next day
cmp.l #0,a0 end of list?
bne .scanlist no
.notpresent move.l #0,d1
.present move.l #1,d1
move.l a0,a1 address of day
;(* Determines the existence of a month in a particular year. *)
;(* Expects month in d0 (0 = jan, 1 = feb, etc.), address of year in a0 *)
;(* Returns d1 as exists yes/no, address of month in a1 *)
MonthExists add.l #yr_list,a0 start of months
muls #4,d0
move.l (a0,d0),a1
cmp.l #0,a1
beq .notexists
.exists move.l #1,d1
.notexists move.l #0,d1
;(* Creates a new month and inserts it into month list for that year. *)
;(* Does not check for duplicates. *)
;(* Expects month in d0, address of year in a0 *)
;(* Returns address of month in a1 *)
ReserveMonth move.l a0,a1
add.l #yr_list,a1 start of months
muls #4,d0
add.l d0,a1 address of our month
move.l a1,a2
bsr CreateMonth
move.l d0,(a2) insert address into list
move.l d0,a1
;(* Determines the existence of a year in the calendar list. *)
;(* Expects year passed in d0. *)
;(* Returns result in d1, address of year in a1 *)
YearExists move.l calendar,a1 assume year in d0
cmp.l #0,a1
beq .notpresent empty list
.scanlist move.w yr_year(a1),d1 year date eg. 1992
cmp.w d0,d1
beq .present
move.l yr_next(a1),a1 next entry
cmp.l #0,a1 nil pointer? (end of list)
bne .scanlist
.notpresent move.l #0,d1 year does not exist
.present move.l #1,d1 year does exist
;(* Creates a new year and inserts it into calendar list. Does not check *)
;(* for duplicates. Expects year in d0, returns address of year in a1 *)
ReserveYear move.w d0,year
move.l #calendar,a1
move.l a1,a4 store
move.l cal_year(a1),a2 address of year
cmp.l #0,a2 no years yet?
beq .empty no, insert at start
move.l a1,yearstore
;(* Search through list of years until a place is found (new year < year) *)
;(* or the end of the list is reached - new year goes at end. *)
;(* loop invariant : {(listyear.next <> null) and (new year > year)} *)
.yrloop move.w yr_year(a2),d1 year number
cmp.w d0,d1
bgt .foundplace
move.l yr_next(a2),a0 next year
cmp.l #0,a0 end of list?
beq .foundend
move.l a2,yearstore store tmp
move.l a0,a2 get next year
bra .yrloop continue searching
;(* At this point, the end of the years list has been reached, so insert *)
;(* our new year at the end. *)
.foundend move.l a2,a4 store year
bsr CreateYear
cmp.l #0,d0
beq .error
move.l d0,a1
move.w year,yr_year(a1) set year number
move.l d0,yr_next(a4) end of list points to
rts new year
;(* At this point, the new year has found to be less than the year at *)
;(* this point in the years list. Now we must insert the new year into *)
;(* the list. *)
.foundplace move.l a2,a4 store current year
bsr CreateYear
cmp.l #0,d0
beq .error
move.l d0,a1
move.w year,yr_year(a1)
move.l yearstore,a2 tmp
move.l a4,yr_next(a1)
move.l a1,yr_next(a2)
;(* At this point, years list was empty, so insert new year as the head *)
;(* of a previously empty list. *)
.empty bsr CreateYear ^year in d0
cmp.l #0,d0
beq .error
move.l d0,a1
move.w year,yr_year(a1)
move.l d0,cal_year(a4) list is new year only
;(* Could not get memory for year, so exit. *)
.error rts
;(* Allocs block of memory for 1 year, returns address in d0 *)
CreateYear move.l execbase,a6
move.l #yr_size,d0 size in bytes
move.l #$10000,d1 clear & reserve
jsr allocmem(a6)
;(* Allocs block of memory for 1 month, returns address in d0 *)
CreateMonth move.l execbase,a6
move.l #mon_size,d0 size in bytes
move.l #$10000,d1 clear & reserve
jsr allocmem(a6)
;(* Allocs block of memory for 1 day, returns address in d0 *)
;(* Also set current date in day structure. *)
CreateDay move.l execbase,a6
move.l #day_size,d0 size in bytes
move.l #$10000,d1 clear & reserve
jsr allocmem(a6)
cmp.l #0,d0
beq .error
move.l d0,a0
move.l #date,a1
move.l date_day1(a1),d1 get today's date
move.b d1,day_day(a0) put date in day
.error rts
;(* Allocs block of memory for 1 entry, returns address in d0 *)
CreateEntry move.l execbase,a6
move.l #ent_size,d0 size in bytes for entry
move.l #$10000,d1
jsr allocmem(a6)
*-------------- REMOVE STRUCTURES ROUTINES ------------------------------*
;(* Clears all calendar structures and gives back reserved memory using *)
;(* a depth first search. *)
DFS move.l calendar,a0 start
.loop cmp.l #0,a0 end?
beq .done
move.l a0,yearstore store
bsr FreeYear search deeper...
move.l yearstore,a1
move.l yr_next(a1),a5 store next year
move.l #yr_size,d0
bsr freeup de-allocate year structure
move.l a5,a0 get next
bra .loop
.done move.l #0,calendar
;(* Clears the scribblepad structures and gives back reserved memory. *)
ScribClear move.l scribble,a0 start
.loop cmp.l #0,a0 end?
beq .done
move.l a0,a5 store
move.l scribent_text(a0),a1
move.l #0,d0
move.w scribent_txt_size(a0),d0
bsr freeup free text mem
move.l a5,a1
move.l #scribent_size,d0
move.l scribent_next(a5),a5 store next
bsr freeup free entry mem
move.l a5,a0 get next
bra .loop
.done move.l #0,scribble
;(* Frees all months for a year. Expects year in a0. *)
FreeYear move.l #0,monthsoff pointer offset
add.l #yr_list,a0 start of months
move.l a0,monthsbase store base
move.l monthsoff,d0
.loop move.l monthsbase,a0
move.l (a0,d0),a0 pointer to month
cmp.l #0,a0
beq .next
move.l a0,monthstore
bsr FreeMonth search deeper...
move.l monthstore,a1
move.l #mon_size,d0
bsr freeup free month structure
.next move.l monthsoff,d0
add.l #4,d0 next month
move.l d0,monthsoff update
cmp.l #48,d0 end of months?
bne .loop
;(* Frees all days for a month. Expects month in a0. *)
FreeMonth move.l mon_day(a0),a0 pointer to first day
.loop cmp.l #0,a0 end?
beq .done
move.l a0,daystore store
bsr FreeDay search deeper...
move.l daystore,a1
move.l day_next(a1),a5 store next day
move.l #day_size,d0
bsr freeup free day structure mem
move.l a5,a0 get next
bra .loop
.done rts
;(* Frees all entries for a day. Expects day in a0. *)
FreeDay move.l day_entry(a0),a0 pointer to first day
.loop cmp.l #0,a0 end?
beq .done
move.l a0,entrystore store
bsr FreeEntry search deeper...
move.l entrystore,a1
move.l ent_next(a1),a5 store next entry
move.l #ent_size,d0
bsr freeup free entry structure mem
move.l a5,a0 get next
bra .loop
.done rts
;(* Frees memory for an entry. Expects entry in a0. *)
FreeEntry move.l ent_text(a0),a1
cmp.l #0,a1 no text?
beq .done
move.l #0,d0
move.w ent_txt_size(a0),d0 size of reserved block
bsr freeup
.done rts
;(* De-allocates a block of reserved memory. Expects memory address in *)
;(* a1, size of block (bytes) in d0. *)
freeup move.l execbase,a6
jsr freemem(a6)
*-------------- EXTERNAL FILE ROUTINES ----------------------------------*
;(* Opens the Save File window, and returns to the main loop. *)
Save bsr OpenSFwind
bra reply
;(* Writes the entire diary contents, including ScribblePad, to an *)
;(* external file. *)
SaveFile move.l #mode_new,d2
bsr openfile
tst.l d0
beq .error put requestor here
bsr writeheader
move.l calendar,a0
.yrloop cmp.l #0,a0
beq .out
bsr SaveYear
bra .yrloop repeat for other years
.out bsr SaveScribble
move.l #filestop_code,d2
move.l #1,d3
bsr writefile
bsr closefile
bsr CloseSFwind
bra finishmessage
.error bsr OpenBadFilewind
bra finishmessage
;(* Writes a year to a disk file. Expects year in a0. Returns next year *)
;(* in a0. *)
SaveYear move.l a0,yearstore store
move.l #year_code,d2
move.l #1,d3
bsr writefile write year identifier
move.l yearstore,a0
move.w yr_year(a0),d2
move.w d2,buffer
move.l #buffer,d2
move.l #2,d3
bsr writefile write year number
move.l yearstore,a0
move.l #0,monthsoff clear offset
add.l #yr_list,a0 start of months
move.l a0,monthsbase store
move.l monthsoff,d0
.loop move.l monthsbase,a0
move.l (a0,d0),a0 get month
cmp.l #0,a0
beq .next
divs #4,d0
lsl #8,d0 shift 1 byte left
move.l a0,monthstore
bsr SaveMonth
.next move.l monthsoff,d0
add.l #4,d0
move.l d0,monthsoff
cmp.l #48,d0 end of year?
bne .loop
move.l yearstore,a0
move.l (a0),a0
;(* Writes a month to a disk file. Expects month pointer in a0, month *)
;(* number in d0. *)
SaveMonth move.w d0,buffer store
move.l #month_code,d2
move.l #1,d3
bsr writefile month identifier code
move.l #buffer,d2
move.l #1,d3
bsr writefile month number (jan=0, etc)
move.l monthstore,a0
move.l mon_day(a0),a0
.loop cmp.l #0,a0
beq .out
move.l a0,daystore
bsr SaveDay
move.l daystore,a0
move.l day_next(a0),a0
bra .loop
.out rts
;(* Writes a day to a disk file. Expects pointer to day in a0. *)
SaveDay move.w day_day(a0),d0
move.w d0,buffer store date
move.l #day_code,d2
move.l #1,d3
bsr writefile day identifier code
move.l #buffer,d2
move.l #1,d3
bsr writefile write date (eg. 16th)
move.l daystore,a0
move.l day_entry(a0),a0
.loop cmp.l #0,a0
beq .out
move.l a0,entrystore
bsr SaveEntry
move.l entrystore,a0
move.l ent_next(a0),a0
bra .loop
.out rts
;(* Writes an entry to a disk file. Expects pointer to entry in a0. *)
SaveEntry move.l #entry_code,d2
move.l #1,d3
bsr writefile entry identifier code
move.l entrystore,a0
move.w ent_stat(a0),buffer
move.l #buffer,d2
move.l #2,d3
bsr writefile entry status
move.l entrystore,a0
move.w ent_time(a0),buffer
move.l #buffer,d2
move.l #2,d3
bsr writefile
move.l entrystore,a0
move.w ent_txt_size(a0),d0
move.w d0,buffer
move.l #buffer,d2
move.l #2,d3
bsr writefile text size (bytes)
move.l entrystore,a0
move.l ent_text(a0),d2
move.l #0,d3
move.w buffer,d3 size
bsr writefile entry text
;(* Saves the scribblepad entries to the end of a disk file. *)
SaveScribble move.l scribble,a0 start
.loop cmp.l #0,a0 empty list?
beq .out
move.l a0,a5 store
move.l #scribent_code,d2
move.l #1,d3
bsr writefile entry identifier code
move.w scribent_txt_size(a5),d0
move.w d0,buffer
move.l #buffer,d2
move.l #2,d3
bsr writefile write text size
move.l #0,d3
move.w buffer,d3
move.l scribent_text(a5),d2
bsr writefile
move.l scribent_next(a5),a0
bra .loop
.out rts
;(* Loads a file, and returns to the main loop. *)
Load bsr OpenLFwind
bra reply
;(* Loads the default AmigaDiary entries file. Suppress error requestors *)
;(* if the file cannot be found. *)
LoadDefault move.l #default_file,a0 text string
move.l #filebuffer,a1 file name buffer
clr.w d0
.loop move.b (a0),d0
move.b (a0)+,(a1)+ copy 1 byte
cmp.w #0,d0 finished?
bne .loop
bset #defaultfile,flag4 suppress error requestor
bsr LoadFile
bclr #defaultfile,flag4
;(* Allows LoadFile to exit with an rts, and then branches to *)
;(* finishmessage to allow loadfile to be called from gadgethit. *)
Load_File bsr LoadFile
bsr GetDate
move.l windowhd,displayhd
bsr DisplayDate
bsr FindEntry
move.l a1,start_entry
move.l a1,page_start
bsr DisplayPages
bra finishmessage
;(* Loads an Amiga Diary file from disk, and creates the necessary *)
;(* structures. *)
LoadFile move.l #mode_old,d2
bsr openfile
tst.l d0
beq .error could not open file
bsr isvalidheader
beq .out not an AmigaDiary file
bsr dfs clear old entries
bsr scribclear clear old scribblepad
move.l #1,scribmarker unique identifier
.loop move.l #buffer,d2
move.l #1,d3
bsr readfile read one byte
move.w buffer,d0
and.l #$ff00,d0
cmp.w filestop_code,d0 end of file?
beq .out
cmp.w year_code,d0
bne .next
bsr LoadYear
cmp.l #0,a1
beq .out
bra .loop
.next cmp.w month_code,d0
bne .next1
bsr LoadMonth
cmp.l #0,a1
beq .out
bra .loop
.next1 cmp.w day_code,d0
bne .next2
bsr LoadDay
beq .out
bra .loop
.next2 cmp.w entry_code,d0
bne .next3
bsr LoadEntry
beq .out
bra .loop
.next3 cmp.w scribent_code,d0
bne .out
bsr LoadScribEnt
beq .out
bra .loop
.out bsr closefile
btst #defaultfile,flag4
bne .suppress2 called from LoadDefault
bsr CloseLFwind
bra finishmessage
.error btst #defaultfile,flag4 default file?
bne .suppress2 yes
bsr OpenBadFilewind no, open requestor
.suppress bra finishmessage
.suppress2 rts called from LoadDefault
;(* Determines whether a file is a valid AmigaDiary file. Returns *)
;(* boolean result in d0. *)
isvalidheader move.l #buffer,d2
move.l #2,d3
bsr readfile
move.w buffer,d2
cmp.w #"AD",d2
bne .invalid
move.l #buffer,d2
move.l #2,d3
bsr readfile skip 2 bytes (version)
move.l #buffer,d2
move.l #1,d3
bsr readfile read version, start
move.w buffer,d0
and.l #$ff00,d0 isolate lower byte
cmp.w filestart_code,d0
bne .invalid
move.l #1,d0
.invalid move.l #0,d0
;(* Loads a year from a disk file, and creates a year structure. *)
;(* Returns year address in a1. *)
LoadYear move.l #buffer,d2
move.l #2,d3
bsr readfile get year
move.l #0,d0
move.w buffer,d0
bsr ReserveYear create year
move.l a1,yearstore
;(* Loads a month from a disk file, and creates a month structure. *)
;(* Returns month address in a1. *)
LoadMonth move.l #buffer,d2
move.l #1,d3
bsr readfile get month
move.l #0,d0
move.w buffer,d0
lsr.l #8,d0
move.l yearstore,a0
bsr ReserveMonth create month
move.l a1,monthstore
;(* Loads a day from a disk file, and creates a day structure. Returns *)
;(* address of day in a1. *)
LoadDay move.l #buffer,d2
move.l #1,d3
bsr readfile
move.l #0,d0
move.w buffer,d0
lsr.l #8,d0
move.l #date,a0
move.l d0,date_day1(a0) set date to entry
bsr CreateDay
beq .out
move.l monthstore,a0
move.l d0,daystore
move.l d0,a1 day address
bsr InsertDay
.out rts
;(* Loads an entry from a disk file, and creates an entry structure. *)
;(* Also reserves memory for text, and reads text from file. *)
LoadEntry move.l #buffer,d2
move.l #2,d3
bsr readfile get status word
move.l #0,d5
move.w buffer,d5 store
move.l #buffer,d2
move.l #2,d3
bsr readfile get time
move.l #0,d4
move.w buffer,d4 store
bsr CreateEntry returns address in d0
beq .out
move.l daystore,a0
move.l d0,entrystore
move.l d0,a1
bsr InsertEntry insert into day
move.l entrystore,a0
move.w d4,ent_time(a0)
move.w d5,ent_stat(a0)
move.l #buffer,d2
move.l #2,d3
bsr readfile get text length
move.l execbase,a6
move.l #0,d0
move.w buffer,d0
move.l entrystore,a0
move.w d0,ent_txt_size(a0)
move.l #$10000,d1
jsr allocmem(a6) get text mem
beq .out
move.l entrystore,a0
move.l d0,ent_text(a0)
move.w ent_txt_size(a0),d3
move.l d0,d2
bsr readfile get text
.out rts
;(* Loads a scribblepad entry from an external file. *)
LoadScribEnt move.l #2,d3
move.l #buffer,d2
bsr readfile get text size
move.l #0,d0
move.w buffer,d0
move.l #$10000,d1
move.l execbase,a6
jsr allocmem(a6) get text mem
beq .out
move.l d0,d5 store
move.l d0,d2
move.l #0,d3
move.w buffer,d3
bsr readfile read text into mem
bsr CreateScribEntry
beq .out
move.l d0,a0 address of entry
move.l d5,scribent_text(a0) pointer to text
move.w buffer,scribent_txt_size(a0) text size
move.l scribmarker,scrib_ident(a0) identifier
add.l #1,scribmarker
bsr InsertScribEntry
.out rts
;(* Writes the AmigaDiary file header. *)
writeheader move.l #header,d2
move.l #5,d3 size in bytes
bsr writefile
;(* Opens an external file. Expects mode old/new in d2. *)
openfile move.l dosbase,a6
move.l #filebuffer,d1
jsr open(a6)
move.l d0,filehd
;(* Closes the external file, previously opened by the program. *)
closefile move.l dosbase,a6
move.l filehd,d1
jsr close(a6)
;(* Writes data to a previously opened file. Expects pointer to data in *)
;(* d2, and number of bytes in d3. *)
writefile move.l dosbase,a6
move.l filehd,d1
jsr write(a6)
;(* Reads data from a previously opened file. Expects area of memory in *)
;(* d2, number of bytes in d3. *)
readfile move.l dosbase,a6
move.l filehd,d1
jsr read(a6)
*-------------- HEX TO DEC ROUTINES -------------------------------------*
;(* NB Unless otherwise stated, a digit refers to a decimal digit *)
;(* Decimal number is stored in the string backwards, ie. *)
;(* units, tens, hundreds etc. *)
;(* Converts a hex number to decimal, placing each decimal digit in a *)
;(* byte. Assume hex number passed in d0, decimal result 0-9999 *)
Convert lea decnumber,a0 address of decimal string
move.l #0,(a0) clear previous values
move.l #1000,d1 first power of ten
moveq #3,d3 HEX digits-1 (dbf)
convertdigit bsr dodigit
addq #1,a0 move left to next digit
divs #10,d1 lower power
dbf d3,convertdigit repeat for all HEX digits
;(* Sets a single digit to the correct decimal value. Used with Convert *)
dodigit cmp d1,d0 Does number include this power?
blt nodigit no
add.b #1,(a0) increment correct digit
moveq #4,d2 number of digits-1 (dbf)
move.l a0,a1
bsr checknumber Is it 10?
sub d1,d0 subtract power from column
bra dodigit
nodigit rts
;(* Checks whether a digit exceeds nine. If it does, increment the next *)
;(* highest power, and clear this one. *)
;(* Expects address of number in a1. *)
checknumber move.w #0,d4 clear store
move.b (a1),d4
cmp.w #$a,d4 digit = 10?
bne .checknext no
add.b #1,1(a1) increment next power
clr.b (a1) clear this power
.checknext addq #1,a1
dbf d2,checknumber repeat for all digits
;(* converts a decimal number to ASCII format, and displays it in the *)
;(* current window. Assumes the number is at address a0 *)
DisplayDecimal lea decstring,a1
move digits,d1
sub.w #1,d1
dectostring move.b (a0),d0
add.b #$30,d0
move.b d0,(a1)
addq #1,a0
addq #1,a1
dbf d1,dectostring
lea decstring,a0
move.l displayhd,a1
move.w digits,d0
bsr displaytext
*-------------- SCRIBBLEPAD ROUTINES ------------------------------------*
;(* Opens the ScribblePad window, displays a page, and returns to the *)
;(* main loop. *)
SelectSP bsr OpenSPwind
tst.l d0
beq .error
bsr BlankPad
bclr #scribover,flag1 no overflow yet
move.l scribble,a1
move.l a1,scrib_curentry first page
bsr DisplaySpad
.error bra reply
;(* Closes the ScribblePad window, and returns to the main display. *)
CloseSP bsr CloseSPwind
bra finishmessage
;(* Displays the next page of the scribblepad. *)
NextSP move.l scrib_nextentry,a1 move to next
move.l a1,scrib_curentry page
bsr BlankPad clear pages
bsr DisplaySPad display entries
bra reply
;(* Opens the ScribblePad Add Entry window, and returns to the main loop.*)
SelectSAE bsr ClearScribString
bsr OpenSAEwind
bra reply
;(* Closes the ScribblePad Add Entry window, and returns to the main *)
;(* display. *)
CloseSAE bsr CloseSAEwind
bra finishmessage
;(* Opens the ScribblePad Edit Entry window, and returns to the main loop*)
SelectSEE bsr OpenSEEwind
move.l scribble,a0 first entry
bsr RecallScribEntry display in window
bra reply
;(* Closes the ScribblePad Edit Entry window, and returns to the main *)
;(* loop. *)
CloseSEE bsr CloseSEEwind
bra finishmessage
;(* Draws a white rectangle to represent the 'pages' of the scribblepad. *)
BlankPad move.l spwhd,a1
move.l #1,d0
bsr pencolour
move.l gfxbase,a6
move.l spwhd,a1
move.l 50(a1),a1 rastport
move.l #8,d0
move.l #13,d1
move.l #292,d2
move.l #160,d3
jsr rectfill(a6) fill 'pages'
;(* Introduces blank characters into the scribblepad edit entry string *)
;(* gadget. *)
ClearScribEdit move.l #scribeditbuffer,a0 clear string buffer
moveq #71,d0
.loop move.b #0,(a0)+
dbf d0,.loop
;(* Clears the scribblepad edit entry string gadget, refreshes the gadget*)
;(* and returns to the main loop. *)
ClearSEditInput bsr ClearScribEdit
move.l intbase,a6
move.l #scribedit_sgadget,a0
move.l Scribedithd,a1
move.l #0,a2
move.l #1,d0 number of gadgets
jsr refreshGlist(a6)
bra reply
;(* Clears the current user selection from the scribblepad add entry *)
;(* window. *)
ClearScribInput bsr ClearScribString
move.l intbase,a6
move.l #scribentry_sgadget,a0
move.l SAEhd,a1
move.l #0,a2
move.l #1,d0 number of gadgets
jsr refreshGlist(a6)
bra reply
;(* Introduces blank characters into the scribblepad add entry string *)
;(* buffer. *)
move.l #scribentrybuffer,a0 clear string buffer
moveq #71,d0
.loop move.b #0,(a0)+
dbf d0,.loop
;(* Adds a scribblepad entry. *)
AddScribEntry bclr #scribeditinp,flag4 use add entry inputs
bsr ReserveScribEntry
cmp.l #0,d0
beq .out
bsr InsertScribEntry
bsr DisplaySPad
.out bsr CloseSAEwind
bra finishmessage
;(* Allocates memory for 1 scribblepad entry. Returns address in d0. *)
move.l execbase,a6
move.l #scribent_size,d0
move.l #$10000,d1
jsr allocmem(a6)
;(* Inserts an entry into the scribblepad entry list. Expects pointer to *)
;(* entry in d0. *)
move.l scribble,a1 start of list
cmp.l #0,a1 empty list?
bne .notempty
move.l d0,scribble trivial case
move.l d0,scrib_curentry pointer to page
.notempty move.l a1,a2 store previous
move.l scribent_next(a1),a1
cmp.l #0,a1 end of list?
bne .notempty
move.l d0,scribent_next(a2) insert new entry
;(* Creates a scribblepad entry from inputs supplied in the scribblepad *)
;(* add entry window, and gives the entry a unique identifier. *)
;(* Returns entry address in d0. *)
btst #scribeditinp,flag4
bne .edit
move.l #scribentrybuffer,a0
bra .next
.edit move.l #scribeditbuffer,a0
.next clr.l d0 counter
.loop clr.l d1
move.b (a0)+,d1
cmp.w #0,d1 end of text?
beq .done
addq #1,d0
bra .loop
.done addq #1,d0 add nul char at eot
move.l d0,d3 store size
move.l execbase,a6
move.l #$10000,d1
jsr allocmem(a6)
beq .error no mem
move.l d0,d4 store text address
bsr CreateScribEntry
beq .error no mem
move.l d0,a0
move.l d4,scribent_text(a0)
move.w d3,scribent_txt_size(a0) text size
move.l scribmarker,scrib_ident(a0) identifier
add.l #1,scribmarker each entry is unique
btst #scribeditinp,flag4 which input window?
bne .edit1
move.l #scribentrybuffer,a1 add entry source
bra .next1
.edit1 move.l #scribeditbuffer,a1 edit entry source
.next1 move.l d4,a2 destination
sub.l #1,d3 because dbf ...
.cloop move.b (a1)+,(a2)+ copy text to mem
dbf d3,.cloop
.out move.l a0,d0
.error rts
;(* Finds the previous scribblepad entry. Expects entry address in a0. *)
;(* Returns address in a0, zero if unsuccessful. *)
FindScribPrev move.l scribble,a1
cmp.l #0,a1
beq .error no entries
cmp.l scribble,a0 only one entry?
beq .one
move.l scrib_ident(a0),d0 get identifier of current
.loop move.l a1,a2 store previous
move.l scribent_next(a1),a1 get next
move.l scrib_ident(a1),d1
cmp.l d0,d1
bne .loop no match, so repeat
move.l a2,a0 return address
.error move.l #0,a0 return nil
.one move.l scribble,a0 point to single entry
;(* Deletes an entry from the scribblepad list. Expects entry address in *)
;(* a0. *)
move.l scribent_next(a0),a1
cmp.l #0,a1 end of list?
beq .last yes
move.l a0,a5 store
cmp.l scribble,a0 first entry?
beq .first
bsr findscribprev result in a0
move.l a0,scribentry
move.l scribent_next(a5),a2 skip over entry being
move.l a2,scribent_next(a0) deleted
bra .free
.last move.l a0,a5 store
cmp.l scribble,a0 one entry?
beq .one
bsr findscribprev get previous
move.l a0,scribentry
move.l #0,scribent_next(a0)
.free move.l a5,a1
move.l #scribent_size,d0
bsr freeup
.one move.l a0,a1
move.l #scribent_size,d0
bsr freeup
move.l #0,scribble
.first move.l a1,a0
move.l a5,a1
move.l a0,a5 store next entry
move.l #scribent_size,d0
bsr freeup
move.l a5,scribble
;(* Removes an entry from the ScribblePad list, and returns to main loop *)
DelScribEntry move.l scribentry,a0
bsr RemoveScribEntry
bsr BlankPad
move.l scribble,scrib_curentry
bsr DisplaySPad
bsr ClearScribEdit
move.l scribentry,a0
bsr RecallScribEntry
bra reply
;(* Changes a scribblepad entry to the new values shown in the *)
;(* scribblepad edit entry window. *)
move.l scribentry,a0
bsr RemoveScribEntry clear old version
bset #scribeditinp,flag4 inputs from Scr. Ed. win.
bsr ReserveScribEntry create new version
move.l d0,scribentry store
bsr InsertScribEntry insert new version
bsr BlankPad
move.l scribble,scrib_curentry
bsr DisplaySPad
bra reply
;(* Refreshes the string gadgets in the ScribblePad Edit Entry window. *)
move.l intbase,a6
move.l #scribedit_sgadget,a0
move.l scribedithd,a1
move.l #0,a2
move.l #1,d0 number of gadgets
jsr refreshGlist(a6)
;(* Recalls scribblepad entry information and displays it in the *)
;(* scribblepad edit entry window. Expects entry address in a0. *)
cmp.l #0,a0
beq .out
move.l a0,scribentry
move.l #scribeditbuffer,a2
move.l scribent_text(a0),a1
.loop move.w #0,d0
move.b (a1),d0
cmp.w #0,d0
beq .done
move.b (a1)+,(a2)+
bra .loop
.out bsr scribeditrefresh
;(* Finds the next scribblepad entry and displays it in the edit entry *)
;(* window. Expects the current entry in scribentry. *)
NextScribEntry bsr ClearScribEdit
bsr ScribEditRefresh
move.l scribentry,a0
cmp.l #0,a0
beq .empty
move.l scribent_next(a0),a0
cmp.l #0,a0
beq .endlist
bsr RecallScribEntry
bra reply
.endlist move.l scribentry,a0
bsr RecallScribEntry
.empty bra reply
;(* Finds the previous scribblepad entry and displays it in the edit *)
;(* entry window. Expects the current entry in scribentry. *)
PrevScribEntry bsr ClearScribEdit
bsr ScribEditRefresh
move.l scribentry,a0
bsr FindScribPrev
bsr RecallScribEntry
bra reply
;(* Displays scribblepad entries in the window. Expects address of first *)
;(* entry on that page in scrib_curentry. *)
DisplaySPad move.l gfxbase,a6
move.l spwhd,a1
move.l 50(a1),a1
move.l #0,d0 JAM1
jsr setDrMd(a6) set mode
move.l spwhd,a1
move.l #2,d0
bsr pencolour set black pen
move.w #10,scribXpos
move.w scribXpos,d0
move.w #22,scribYpos
move.w scribYpos,d1
move.l spwhd,a1
bsr movepos
move.l scrib_curentry,a1 start of page
.loop cmp.l #0,a1 end of list?
beq .out
move.l a1,a5 store
bsr DisplayScribEntry
btst #scribsplit,flag4 entry split at bottom?
bne .split
btst #scribover,flag1
bne .overflow
move.l scribent_next(a5),a1
bra .loop
.overflow move.l scribent_next(a5),a1
move.l a1,scrib_nextentry store pointer for next page
.out move.l scribble,a1 no overflow here, so go
move.l a1,scrib_nextentry back to start
; repeat entry at start of next page of scribblepad, and blank trailing
; lines of split entry
.split move.l spwhd,a1
move.l #1,d0
bsr pencolour
move.w lines_used,d5
sub.w #1,d5
.blankloop bsr uppadline
move.l gfxbase,a6
move.l spwhd,a1
move.l 50(a1),a1 rastport
move.l #0,d0
move.l #0,d1
move.w scribXpos,d0 topleft x
move.w scribYpos,d1 topleft y
;sub.w #8,d1
move.w d1,d3 bottomright y
sub.w #8,d1
move.l #286,d2 bottomright x
jsr rectfill(a6) fill 'pages'
dbf d5,.blankloop
move.l currententry,scrib_nextentry
;(* Displays a single scribblepad entry. Expects pointer to entry in a1. *)
move.w #0,lines_used no lines used yet
bclr #scribsplit,flag4
move.l scribent_text(a1),a0
move.l a1,currententry store pointer
cmp.l #0,a0 no entries?
beq .break
.line clr.w d0
clr.w d1 number of chars
move.b (a0),d0
cmp.w #0,d0 end of text?
beq .break
cmp.w #" ",d0
bne .nospace
add.l #1,a0 skip space at start
.nospace move.l a0,a2 store start of line
.loop move.b (a0)+,d0 inspect one char
cmp.w #0,d0 end of text?
beq .endtext
addq #1,d1
cmp.w #scrib_width,d1 line full?
beq .wholeline
bra .loop
.wholeline clr.w d2
move.b (a0)+,d2 complete word at EOL?
cmp.w #" ",d2
beq .okline
cmp.w #0,d2
beq .okline
sub.l #1,a0 go back one char
.backloop cmp.w #" ",d0 last char a space?
beq .okline
subq #1,d1 decrease width
move.b -(a0),d0
cmp.l a0,a2 back to start?
bne .backloop search back through line
move.l #scrib_width,d1 full line
add.l #scrib_width,a0
.okline move.l a0,a4 start of next line
move.l a2,a0 start of this line
move.l d1,d0 number of chars
bsr displayscribline
move.l a4,a0
bsr downpadline move down a line
add.w #1,lines_used
btst #scribover,flag1 bottom reached?
bne .split yes
bra .line do next line
.endtext move.l a2,a0 start of line
move.l d1,d0 number of chars
bsr displayscribline
bsr downpadline no need to check for
add.w #1,lines_used
bra .break bottom here
.split bset #scribsplit,flag4 entry is split
.break rts
;(* Displays a single line of text for a scribblepad entry. Expects *)
;(* pointer to text in a0, number of chars in d0 *)
move.l spwhd,a1
bsr displaytext
;(* Moves the text cursor down one line in the scribblepad. *)
downpadline bclr #scribover,flag1 clear flag initially
add.w #10,scribYpos
move.w scribXpos,d0
move.w scribYpos,d1
cmp.w #scrib_bottom,d1 bottom of page reached?
bgt .error
move.l spwhd,a1
bsr movepos
.error bset #scribover,flag1 overflow flag set
;(* Moves the cursor up one line in the scribblepad. *)
uppadline sub.w #9,scribYpos
move.w scribXpos,d0
move.w scribYpos,d1
move.l spwhd,a1
bsr movepos
*-------------- EDIT ENTRY ROUTINES -------------------------------------*
;(* Opens the edit window and places the first entry for that day in it. *)
Edit bsr OpenEditwind
move.l edithd,d0
tst.l d0
beq .error
bsr SetupEditDisplay
bsr FindEntry
move.l a1,a0
bsr RecallEntry display first entry
.error bra reply
;(* Closes the Edit Entry window, and restores the main diary display. *)
CloseEdit bsr CloseEditwind
bsr FindEntry
move.l a1,start_entry
move.l a1,page_start
bsr DisplayPages update display
bra finishmessage
;(* Takes appropriate action when CR is hit in the Add Entry window. *)
;(* The program moves through each of the string gadgets, then acts as *)
;(* if OK had been selected. *)
EditEntryCR btst #timeyn,flag1 if time OFF, do not need
beq ChangeEntry to check hrs/mins
btst #strgad,flag3 first gadget?
bne .acthrs yes, activate hours gadget
btst #hrsgad,flag3 second gadget?
bne .actmins yes, activate mins gadget
bra ChangeEntry as gadget $98
.acthrs move.l intbase,a6
move.l #edithours_sgadget,a0 gadget
move.l edithd,a1 window
move.l #0,a2 requestor (nil)
jsr activategadget(a6)
bclr #strgad,flag3 set gadget flags ...
bset #hrsgad,flag3 ... appropriately
bclr #minsgad,flag3
bra .out
.actmins move.l intbase,a6
move.l #editmins_sgadget,a0 gadget
move.l edithd,a1 window
move.l #0,a2 requestor (nil)
jsr activategadget(a6)
bclr #hrsgad,flag3
bset #minsgad,flag3
bclr #strgad,flag3
.out bra reply
;(* Clears the current user selection from the edit entry window. *)
ClearEditInput bsr ClearEditString
bsr EditRefresh
bra reply
;(* Introduces blank characters into the edit entry string gadgets. *)
move.l #editentrybuffer,a0 clear string buffer
moveq #71,d0
.loop move.b #0,(a0)+
dbf d0,.loop
move.l #hoursbuffer,a0
move.l #0,(a0)+ clear hours
move.l #0,(a0)+
move.l #0,(a0)
move.l #minsbuffer,a0
move.l #0,(a0)+ clear mins
move.l #0,(a0)+
move.l #0,(a0)
move.l #hours_sinfo,a0
move.l #0,28(a0)
move.l #mins_sinfo,a0
move.l #0,28(a0)
;(* Refreshes the string gadgets in the Edit Entry window. *)
EditRefresh move.l intbase,a6
move.l #editentry_sgadget,a0
move.l edithd,a1
move.l #0,a2
move.l #3,d0 number of gadgets
jsr refreshGlist(a6)
;(* Recalls entry information and displays it in the edit entry window. *)
;(* Expects entry address in a0. *)
RecallEntry cmp.l #0,a0
beq .out
move.l a0,currententry
move.w ent_stat(a0),d0 get status
; Alter the time option gadget to selected yes/no depending on whether
; or not time is specified for this entry
btst #timeyn,d0 time specified?
beq .notime no
bsr timey_disp yes, display image
bset #timeyn,flag1
bra .dotime
.notime bsr timen_disp no, display other image
bclr #timeyn,flag1
.dotime bsr ClearEditString
move.l currententry,a0
move.l #editentrybuffer,a2
move.l ent_text(a0),a1
.loop move.w #0,d0
move.b (a1),d0
cmp.w #0,d0
beq .done
move.b (a1)+,(a2)+
bra .loop
.done move.w ent_time(a0),d0
divs #100,d0
move.l d0,d1
and.l #$ff,d0 get hours
move.l #hours_sinfo,a1
move.l d0,28(a1)
swap d1
and.l #$ff,d1 get mins
move.l #mins_sinfo,a1
move.l d1,28(a1)
move.l d1,d5 store
bsr convert number in d0
move.l #decnumber,a0
add.l #2,a0 only lower 2 bytes
move.l #hoursbuffer,a1
bsr copy2bytes
move.l d5,d0
bsr convert
move.l #decnumber,a0
add.l #2,a0
move.l #minsbuffer,a1
bsr copy2bytes
.out bsr EditRefresh
;(* Copies two bytes from address a0 to a1, and changes result to ASCII *)
copy2bytes move.b (a0)+,d0
add.b #$30,d0 convert to ASCII
move.b d0,(a1)+
move.b (a0),d0
add.b #$30,d0 convert to ASCII
move.b d0,(a1)
;(* Gets the next entry from the entry list. *)
NextEntry bsr ClearEditString
bsr EditRefresh
move.l currententry,a0
cmp.l #0,a0
beq .noentry
move.l ent_next(a0),a0
cmp.l #0,a0
beq .error
bsr RecallEntry
bra reply
.error move.l currententry,a0
bsr RecallEntry
.noentry bra reply
;(* Gets the previous entry from the entry list. Starts at the beginning *)
;(* and searches until it finds the entry that points to currententry. *)
;(* This gets round my omission of a previous pointer in the entry *)
;(* structure. Returns address in a1. *)
PrevEntry bsr ClearEditString
bsr EditRefresh
move.l currententry,a0
cmp.l #0,a0
beq .noentry
bsr FindPrev
bsr RecallEntry
.noentry bra reply
;(* Finds the entry previous to the one being considered. Expects *)
;(* current entry in a0. Returns result in a0. If entry is the only one *)
;(* for that day, or the first entry in the list, return itself. *)
FindPrev bclr #one_entry,flag1 do not know # of entries
bclr #firstentry,flag1
move.l a0,a5 store
bsr FindEntry puts first entry in a1
cmp.l a5,a1 first entry?
beq .first
.loop move.l ent_next(a1),a0 next entry for that day
cmp.l a5,a0 found entry?
beq .out yes
move.l a0,a1 get next entry
bra .loop
.out move.l a1,a0
.first move.l a5,a0 first entry in list, so
bset #firstentry,flag1 return itself
move.l ent_next(a0),a1 end of list?
cmp.l #0,a1 yes => only one entry
beq .one in list
.one bset #one_entry,flag1
;(* Deletes an entry from the entry list. Expects entry address in *)
;(* currententry. *)
DelEntry bclr #change,flag4
bsr RemoveEntry
bra reply
;(* Removes an entry from the entry list. Used for deletion and also for *)
;(* editing ie. delete old version, insert new version. *)
;(* Expects entry address in currententry. If change flag is set [flag4] *)
;(* do not delete contents of edit buffer, because same entry must be *)
;(* re-created with new inputs. *)
RemoveEntry move.l currententry,a0
move.l ent_next(a0),store store next
cmp.l page_start,a0 first on page?
bne .notstart no
move.l ent_next(a0),page_start yes
.notstart bsr FindPrev result in a0
btst #one_entry,flag1 only one entry?
bne .one yes
btst #firstentry,flag1 first entry?
bne .first
move.l a0,entrystore store previous
move.l currententry,a1 needed for freeup
move.l #ent_size,d0
bsr freeup clear structure
move.l entrystore,a0 get previous
move.l store,ent_next(a0) set next pointer
btst #change,flag4
bne .nochange
bsr ClearEditString
bsr EditRefresh
move.l entrystore,a0
bsr RecallEntry update display
.nochange rts
.one bsr FindDay returns day in a0
move.l a0,store
move.l day_entry(a0),a1 needed for freeup
move.l #ent_size,d0
bsr freeup clear structure
move.l store,a0
move.l #0,day_entry(a0) clear pointer to first entry
move.l #0,currententry
btst #change,flag4
bne .nochange1
bsr ClearEditString
bsr EditRefresh
.nochange1 rts
.first move.l store,entrystore store next entry
bsr FindDay returns day in a0
move.l a0,store store day
move.l day_entry(a0),a1
move.l #ent_size,d0
bsr freeup
move.l store,a0
move.l entrystore,day_entry(a0)
btst #change,flag4
bne .nochange2
bsr ClearEditString
bsr EditRefresh
move.l entrystore,a0
bsr RecallEntry update display
.nochange2 rts
;(* Changes an entry in the entry list, to the values shown in the edit *)
;(* entry window. *)
ChangeEntry move.l currententry,a0
cmp.l #0,a0
beq .error
bsr CheckInputs
btst #requestop,flag2 Error requestor
bne .error yes
bsr CloseEditwind
bset #change,flag4 do not delete inputs
bsr RemoveEntry clear old version
bset #editinp,flag1 inputs from Edit window
bsr ReserveEntry create new version
move.l d0,currententry store
bsr FindDay get day address (a0)
move.l currententry,a1 entry address
bsr InsertEntry insert new version
bsr FindEntry
move.l a1,start_entry
move.l a1,page_start
bsr DisplayPages
.error bra finishmessage
*-------------- WINDOW STRUCTURES ---------------------------------------*
even Main Window
window_defs dc.w 100 -----------
dc.w 20
dc.w 360
dc.w 210
dc.b 0
dc.b 1
dc.l $660 IDCMP flags
dc.l $200100e wbenchwindow
dc.l df_gadget
dc.l 0 standard checkmark
dc.l windowname
dc.l 0 screenhd
dc.l 0 no bitmap
dc.w 0
dc.w 0
dc.w 640
dc.w 256
dc.w 1 wbenchscreen
windowname dc.b " AmigaDiary v1.13 ",0
windowhd dc.l 0
even Scribble Pad
spw_defs dc.w 50 ------------
dc.w 40
dc.w 300
dc.w 200
dc.b 0
dc.b 1
dc.l $260 IDCMP flags
dc.l $2001002 wbenchwindow
dc.l sae_gadget
dc.l 0 standard checkmark
dc.l spwname
dc.l 0 screenhd
dc.l 0 no bitmap
dc.w 0
dc.w 0
dc.w 640
dc.w 256
dc.w 1 wbenchscreen
spwname dc.b " ScribblePad ",0
spwhd dc.l 0
even Add Entry
ae_defs dc.w 40 ---------
dc.w 60
dc.w 528
dc.w 80
dc.b 0
dc.b 1
dc.l $660 IDCMP flags
dc.l $2001002 wbenchwindow
dc.l entry_sgadget
dc.l 0 standard checkmark
dc.l aename
dc.l 0 screenhd
dc.l 0 no bitmap
dc.w 0
dc.w 0
dc.w 640
dc.w 256
dc.w 1 wbenchscreen
aename dc.b " Add Entry ",0
aehd dc.l 0
even Shrink Window
shrink_defs dc.w 200 -------------
dc.w 30
dc.w 220
dc.w 25
dc.b 0
dc.b 1
dc.l $260 IDCMP flags
dc.l $200100e wbenchwindow
dc.l 0 gadgets
dc.l 0 standard checkmark
dc.l shrinkname
dc.l 0 screenhd
dc.l 0 no bitmap
dc.w 0
dc.w 0
dc.w 640
dc.w 256
dc.w 1 wbenchscreen
shrinkname dc.b " AmigaDiary v1.13 ",0
shrinkhd dc.l 0
even About Window
about_defs dc.w 100 ------------
dc.w 60
dc.w 360
dc.w 100
dc.b 0
dc.b 1
dc.l $8 IDCMP flags
dc.l $2001002 wbenchwindow
dc.l 0
dc.l 0 standard checkmark
dc.l aboutname
dc.l 0 screenhd
dc.l 0 no bitmap
dc.w 0
dc.w 0
dc.w 640
dc.w 256
dc.w 1 wbenchscreen
aboutname dc.b " About AmigaDiary ",0
abouthd dc.l 0
request_defs dc.w 188 Error Requestor
dc.w 80 ---------------
dc.w 212
dc.w 68
dc.b 0
dc.b 1
dc.l $60 IDCMP flags
dc.l $2001002
dc.l ok_gadget
dc.l 0 standard checkmark
dc.l requestname
dc.l 0
dc.l 0 no bitmap
dc.w 200
dc.w 50
dc.w 640
dc.w 256
dc.w 1 wbench screen
requestname dc.b " System Message ",0
requesthd dc.l 0
even Lookup Entry Window
le_defs dc.w 150 ------------------
dc.w 70
dc.w 240
dc.w 70
dc.b 0
dc.b 1
dc.l $660 IDCMP flags
dc.l $2001002 wbenchwindow
dc.l date_sgadget
dc.l 0 standard checkmark
dc.l lename
dc.l 0 screenhd
dc.l 0 no bitmap
dc.w 0
dc.w 0
dc.w 640
dc.w 256
dc.w 1 wbenchscreen
lename dc.b " LookUp Entry ",0
lehd dc.l 0
even Load File Window
lf_defs dc.w 110 ----------------
dc.w 70
dc.w 340
dc.w 70
dc.b 0
dc.b 1
dc.l $660 IDCMP flags
dc.l $2001002 wbenchwindow
dc.l fileload_sgadget
dc.l 0 standard checkmark
dc.l lfname
dc.l 0 screenhd
dc.l 0 no bitmap
dc.w 0
dc.w 0
dc.w 640
dc.w 256
dc.w 1 wbenchscreen
lfname dc.b " Load File ",0
lfhd dc.l 0
even Save File Window
sf_defs dc.w 110 ----------------
dc.w 70
dc.w 340
dc.w 70
dc.b 0
dc.b 1
dc.l $660 IDCMP flags
dc.l $2001002 wbenchwindow
dc.l filesave_sgadget
dc.l 0 standard checkmark
dc.l sfname
dc.l 0 screenhd
dc.l 0 no bitmap
dc.w 0
dc.w 0
dc.w 640
dc.w 256
dc.w 1 wbenchscreen
sfname dc.b " Save File ",0
sfhd dc.l 0
even Add Entry (ScribblePad)
sae_defs dc.w 40 -----------------------
dc.w 60
dc.w 528
dc.w 65
dc.b 0
dc.b 1
dc.l $660 IDCMP flags
dc.l $2001002 wbenchwindow
dc.l scribentry_sgadget
dc.l 0 standard checkmark
dc.l saename
dc.l 0 screenhd
dc.l 0 no bitmap
dc.w 0
dc.w 0
dc.w 640
dc.w 256
dc.w 1 wbenchscreen
saename dc.b " ScribblePad Add Entry ",0
saehd dc.l 0
even Edit Entry (ScribblePad)
scribedit_defs dc.w 40 ------------------------
dc.w 60
dc.w 550
dc.w 65
dc.b 0
dc.b 1
dc.l $660 IDCMP flags
dc.l $2001002 wbenchwindow
dc.l scribedit_sgadget
dc.l 0 standard checkmark
dc.l scribeditname
dc.l 0 screenhd
dc.l 0 no bitmap
dc.w 0
dc.w 0
dc.w 640
dc.w 256
dc.w 1 wbenchscreen
scribeditname dc.b " ScribblePad Edit Entry ",0
scribedithd dc.l 0
even Edit Entry Window
edit_defs dc.w 40 -----------------
dc.w 60
dc.w 548
dc.w 90
dc.b 0
dc.b 1
dc.l $660 IDCMP flags
dc.l $2001002 wbenchwindow
dc.l editentry_sgadget
dc.l 0 standard checkmark
dc.l editname
dc.l 0 screenhd
dc.l 0 no bitmap
dc.w 0
dc.w 0
dc.w 640
dc.w 256
dc.w 1 wbenchscreen
editname dc.b " Edit Entry ",0
edithd dc.l 0
*-------------- BORDER STRUCTURES ---------------------------------------*
border1 dc.w 0,9 x,y distances
dc.b 2,0 colours
dc.b 0 JAM1
dc.b 15 number of coord pairs
dc.l coord1 coords table
dc.l 0 next border
coord1 dc.w 8,4,352,4,352,140,8,140,8,4
dc.w 12,4,12,140,16,140,16,4
dc.w 183,4,183,140,344,140,344,4
dc.w 348,4,348,140
gen_border dc.w 0,0
dc.b 1,0
dc.b 0
dc.b 5
dc.l ae_coord
dc.l ae_shadow next border
ae_coord dc.w 0,0,77,0,77,12,0,12,0,0
ae_shadow dc.w 0,0
dc.b 2,0
dc.b 0
dc.b 8
dc.l ae_scoord
dc.l 0 no more borders
ae_scoord dc.w 78,1,78,13,2,13,2,14,79,14
dc.w 79,1,80,1,80,13
entry_border dc.w 0,0 no offset
dc.b 2,0 colour
dc.b 0 JAM1
dc.b 5 # coord pairs
dc.l entry_coord
dc.l 0
entry_coord dc.w -6,-2,426,-2,426,9,-6,9,-6,-2
hours_border dc.w 0,0 no offset
dc.b 2,0 colour
dc.b 0 JAM1
dc.b 5 # coord pairs
dc.l hours_coord
dc.l 0
hours_coord dc.w -6,-2,25,-2,25,9,-6,9,-6,-2
am_border dc.w 0,0 no offset
dc.b 2,0 colour
dc.b 0 JAM1
dc.b 5 # coord pairs
dc.l am_coord
dc.l 0
am_coord dc.w 0,0,31,0,31,11,0,11,0,0
date_border dc.w 0,0 no offset
dc.b 2,0 colour
dc.b 0 JAM1
dc.b 5 # coord pairs
dc.l date_coord
dc.l 0
date_coord dc.w -6,-2,54,-2,54,9,-6,9,-6,-2
file_border dc.w 0,0 no offset
dc.b 2,0 colour
dc.b 0 JAM1
dc.b 5 # coord pairs
dc.l file_coord
dc.l 0
file_coord dc.w -6,-2,264,-2,264,9,-6,9,-6,-2
*-------------- IMAGE STRUCTURES ----------------------------------------*
;(* Day Forward *)
df_image dc.w 0,0 no offset
dc.w 19,12 pixels
dc.w 2 bit planes
dc.l df_data data
dc.b 3,0 colours
dc.l 0
dfi_image dc.w 0,0 no offset
dc.w 19,12 pixels
dc.w 2 bit planes
dc.l dfi_data data
dc.b 3,0 colours
dc.l 0
;(* Day Backward *)
db_image dc.w 0,0 no offset
dc.w 19,12 pixels
dc.w 2 bit planes
dc.l db_data data
dc.b 3,0 colours
dc.l 0
dbi_image dc.w 0,0 no offset
dc.w 19,12 pixels
dc.w 2 bit planes
dc.l dbi_data data
dc.b 3,0 colours
dc.l 0
;(* Week Backward *)
wb_image dc.w 0,0 no offset
dc.w 33,12 pixels
dc.w 2 bit planes
dc.l wb_data data
dc.b 3,0 colours
dc.l 0
wbi_image dc.w 0,0 no offset
dc.w 33,12 pixels
dc.w 2 bit planes
dc.l wbi_data data
dc.b 3,0 colours
dc.l 0
;(* Week Forward *)
wf_image dc.w 0,0 no offset
dc.w 33,12 pixels
dc.w 2 bit planes
dc.l wf_data data
dc.b 3,0 colours
dc.l 0
wfi_image dc.w 0,0 no offset
dc.w 33,12 pixels
dc.w 2 bit planes
dc.l wfi_data data
dc.b 3,0 colours
dc.l 0
;(* Time yes/no option in add entry / edit entry window. *)
timeyes_image dc.w 0,0 no offset
dc.w 31,12 pixels
dc.w 2 bit planes
dc.l timeyes_data data
dc.b 3,0 colours
dc.l 0
timeyesi_image dc.w 0,0 no offset
dc.w 31,12 pixels
dc.w 2 bit planes
dc.l timeyesi_data data
dc.b 3,0 colours
dc.l 0
stop_image dc.w 0,0
dc.w 30,15,2
dc.l stop_data
dc.b 3,0
dc.l 0
*-------------- TEXT STRUCTURES -----------------------------------------*
ds_text dc.b 1,0 colours
dc.b 1 mode
dc.w 6,3 x,y pos
dc.l topaz_defs font
dc.l ds_ttext
dc.l ds1_text next text
ds_ttext dc.b "S",0
ds1_text dc.b 1,0 colours
dc.b 1 mode
dc.w 15,3 x,y pos
dc.l topazU_defs font
dc.l ds1_ttext
dc.l ds2_text next text
ds1_ttext dc.b "c",0
ds2_text dc.b 1,0 colours
dc.b 1 mode
dc.w 24,3 x,y pos
dc.l topaz_defs font
dc.l ds2_ttext
dc.l 0 next text
ds2_ttext dc.b "ribble",0
le_text dc.b 1,0 colours
dc.b 1 mode
dc.w 16,3 x,y pos
dc.l topaz_defs font
dc.l le_ttext
dc.l le1_text next text
le_ttext dc.b "L",0
le1_text dc.b 1,0 colours
dc.b 1 mode
dc.w 25,3 x,y pos
dc.l topazU_defs font
dc.l le1_ttext
dc.l le2_text next text
le1_ttext dc.b "o",0
le2_text dc.b 1,0 colours
dc.b 1 mode
dc.w 34,3 x,y pos
dc.l topaz_defs font
dc.l le2_ttext
dc.l 0 next text
le2_ttext dc.b "okup",0
ed_text dc.b 1,0 colours
dc.b 1 mode
dc.w 24,3 x,y pos
dc.l topazU_defs font
dc.l ed_ttext
dc.l ed1_text next text
ed_ttext dc.b "E",0
ed1_text dc.b 1,0 colours
dc.b 1 mode
dc.w 33,3 x,y pos
dc.l topaz_defs font
dc.l ed1_ttext
dc.l 0 next text
ed1_ttext dc.b "dit",0
ed2_text dc.b 1,0 colours
dc.b 1 mode
dc.w 24,3 x,y pos
dc.l topaz_defs font
dc.l ed2_ttext
dc.l 0 next text
ed2_ttext dc.b "Edit",0
ld_text dc.b 1,0 colours
dc.b 1 mode
dc.w 24,3 x,y pos
dc.l topazU_defs font
dc.l ld_ttext
dc.l ld1_text next text
ld_ttext dc.b "L",0
ld1_text dc.b 1,0 colours
dc.b 1 mode
dc.w 33,3 x,y pos
dc.l topaz_defs font
dc.l ld1_ttext
dc.l 0 next text
ld1_ttext dc.b "oad",0
sd_text dc.b 1,0 colours
dc.b 1 mode
dc.w 26,3 x,y pos
dc.l topazU_defs font
dc.l sd_ttext
dc.l sd1_text next text
sd_ttext dc.b "S",0
sd1_text dc.b 1,0 colours
dc.b 1 mode
dc.w 35,3 x,y pos
dc.l topaz_defs font
dc.l sd1_ttext
dc.l 0 next text
sd1_ttext dc.b "ave",0
ab_text dc.b 1,0 colours
dc.b 1 mode
dc.w 21,3 x,y pos
dc.l topaz_defs font
dc.l ab_ttext
dc.l ab1_text next text
ab_ttext dc.b "A",0
ab1_text dc.b 1,0 colours
dc.b 1 mode
dc.w 30,3 x,y pos
dc.l topazU_defs font
dc.l ab1_ttext
dc.l ab2_text next text
ab1_ttext dc.b "b",0
ab2_text dc.b 1,0 colours
dc.b 1 mode
dc.w 39,3 x,y pos
dc.l topaz_defs font
dc.l ab2_ttext
dc.l 0 next text
ab2_ttext dc.b "out",0
sh_text dc.b 1,0 colours
dc.b 1 mode
dc.w 16,3 x,y pos
dc.l topaz_defs font
dc.l sh_ttext
dc.l sh1_text next text
sh_ttext dc.b "S",0
sh1_text dc.b 1,0 colours
dc.b 1 mode
dc.w 25,3 x,y pos
dc.l topazU_defs font
dc.l sh1_ttext
dc.l sh2_text next text
sh1_ttext dc.b "h",0
sh2_text dc.b 1,0 colours
dc.b 1 mode
dc.w 34,3 x,y pos
dc.l topaz_defs font
dc.l sh2_ttext
dc.l 0 next text
sh2_ttext dc.b "rink",0
add_text dc.b 1,0 colours
dc.b 1 mode
dc.w 28,3 x,y pos
dc.l topazU_defs font
dc.l add_ttext
dc.l add1_text next text
add_ttext dc.b "A",0
add1_text dc.b 1,0 colours
dc.b 1 mode
dc.w 37,3 x,y pos
dc.l topaz_defs font
dc.l add1_ttext
dc.l 0 next text
add1_ttext dc.b "dd",0
line_break dc.b "--------------------",0
line1_text dc.b 3,0 colours
dc.b 1 mode
dc.w 148,20 x,y pos
dc.l topaz_defs font
dc.l line1_ttext
dc.l line2_text next text
line1_ttext dc.b "AmigaDiary",0
line2_text dc.b 2,0 colours
dc.b 1 mode
dc.w 145,40 x,y pos
dc.l topaz_defs font
dc.l line2_ttext
dc.l line3_text next text
line2_ttext dc.b "version 1.13",0
line3_text dc.b 2,0 colours
dc.b 1 mode
dc.w 75,60 x,y pos
dc.l topaz_defs font
dc.l line3_ttext
dc.l line4_text next text
line3_ttext dc.b "written by Andrew K. Pearson",0
line4_text dc.b 2,0 colours
dc.b 1 mode
dc.w 80,80 x,y pos
dc.l topaz_defs font
dc.l line4_ttext
dc.l 0 next text
line4_ttext dc.b "(c) Andrew Pearson 1992/93",0
date_text dc.b 1,0 colours
dc.b 1 mode
dc.w -120,0 x,y pos
dc.l topaz_defs font
dc.l date_ttext
dc.l 0 next text
date_ttext dc.b "Date (ddmmyy)",0
next_text dc.b 1,0 colours
dc.b 1 mode
dc.w 24,3 x,y pos
dc.l topaz_defs font
dc.l next_ttext
dc.l 0 next text
next_ttext dc.b "Next",0
prev_text dc.b 1,0 colours
dc.b 1 mode
dc.w 24,3 x,y pos
dc.l topaz_defs font
dc.l prev_ttext
dc.l 0 next text
prev_ttext dc.b "Prev",0
delete_text dc.b 1,0 colours
dc.b 1 mode
dc.w 15,3 x,y pos
dc.l topaz_defs font
dc.l delete_ttext
dc.l 0 next text
delete_ttext dc.b "Delete",0
invinp_text dc.b 1,0 colours
dc.b 1 mode
dc.w 60,25 x,y pos
dc.l topaz_defs font
dc.l invinp_ttext
dc.l 0 next text
invinp_ttext dc.b "Invalid Inputs!",0
badfile_text dc.b 1,0 colours
dc.b 1 mode
dc.w 60,25 x,y pos
dc.l topaz_defs font
dc.l badfile_ttext
dc.l 0 next text
badfile_ttext dc.b "Invalid File!",0
done_text dc.b 1,0 colours
dc.b 1 mode
dc.w 26,3 x,y pos
dc.l topaz_defs font
dc.l done_ttext
dc.l 0 next text
done_ttext dc.b "Done",0
ae_text dc.b 1,0 colours
dc.b 1 mode
dc.w 28,3 x,y pos
dc.l topaz_defs font
dc.l ae_ttext
dc.l 0 next text
ae_ttext dc.b "Add",0
entry_text dc.b 1,0 colours
dc.b 1 mode
dc.w -50,0 x,y pos
dc.l topaz_defs font
dc.l entry_ttext
dc.l 0 next text
entry_ttext dc.b "Entry",0
hours_text dc.b 1,0 colours
dc.b 1 mode
dc.w -50,0 x,y pos
dc.l topaz_defs font
dc.l hours_ttext
dc.l 0 next text
hours_ttext dc.b "Hours",0
mins_text dc.b 1,0 colours
dc.b 1 mode
dc.w -65,0 x,y pos
dc.l topaz_defs font
dc.l mins_ttext
dc.l 0 next text
mins_ttext dc.b "Minutes",0
yes_text dc.b 1,0 colours
dc.b 1 mode
dc.w 4,2 x,y pos
dc.l topaz_defs font
dc.l yes_ttext
dc.l 0 next text
yes_ttext dc.b "Yes",0
cr_text dc.b 1,0 colours
dc.b 1 mode
dc.w 20,3 x,y pos
dc.l topaz_defs font
dc.l cr_ttext
dc.l 0 next text
cr_ttext dc.b "Clear",0
ok_text dc.b 1,0 colours
dc.b 1 mode
dc.w 30,3 x,y pos
dc.l topaz_defs font
dc.l ok_ttext
dc.l 0 next text
ok_ttext dc.b "Ok!",0
cancel_text dc.b 1,0 colours
dc.b 1 mode
dc.w 15,3 x,y pos
dc.l topaz_defs font
dc.l cancel_ttext
dc.l 0 next text
cancel_ttext dc.b "Cancel",0
change_text dc.b 1,0 colours
dc.b 1 mode
dc.w 15,3 x,y pos
dc.l topaz_defs font
dc.l change_ttext
dc.l 0 next text
change_ttext dc.b "Change",0
file_text dc.b 1,0 colours
dc.b 1 mode
dc.w -46,0 x,y pos
dc.l topaz_defs font
dc.l file_ttext
dc.l 0 next text
file_ttext dc.b "File",0
includetime dc.b "include time?",0
*-------------- GADGET STRUCTURES (MAIN WINDOW) -------------------------*
;(* Day Forward *)
df_gadget dc.l db_gadget next gadget
dc.w 280,155 x,y pos
dc.w 19,12 width, height (hit box)
dc.w 6 image, new image
dc.w 1 flags
dc.w 1 type : boolean
dc.l df_image image
dc.l dfi_image inverse data
dc.l 0 no text
dc.l 0 no exclude
dc.l 0 no special info
dc.w $10 gadget ID
dc.l 0 user data
;(* Day Backward *)
db_gadget dc.l wb_gadget next gadget
dc.w 65,155 x,y pos
dc.w 19,12 width, height (hit box)
dc.w 6 flags
dc.w 1 flags
dc.w 1 type : boolean
dc.l db_image image
dc.l dbi_image inverse data
dc.l 0 no text
dc.l 0 no exclude
dc.l 0 no special info
dc.w $11 gadget ID
dc.l 0 user data
;(* Week Backward *)
wb_gadget dc.l wf_gadget next gadget
dc.w 23,155 x,y pos
dc.w 33,12 width, height (hit box)
dc.w 6 flags
dc.w 1 flags
dc.w 1 type : boolean
dc.l wb_image image
dc.l wbi_image inverse data
dc.l 0 no text
dc.l 0 no exclude
dc.l 0 no special info
dc.w $12 gadget ID
dc.l 0 user data
;(* Week Forward *)
wf_gadget dc.l ae_gadget next gadget
dc.w 308,155 x,y pos
dc.w 33,12 width, height (hit box)
dc.w 6 flags
dc.w 1 flags
dc.w 1 type : boolean
dc.l wf_image image
dc.l wfi_image inverse data
dc.l 0 no text
dc.l 0 no exclude
dc.l 0 no special info
dc.w $13 gadget ID
dc.l 0 user data
;(* Add Entry *)
ae_gadget dc.l ds_gadget next gadget
dc.w 97,170 x,y pos
dc.w 77,12 width, height (hit box)
dc.w 0 flags:inverse
dc.w 1 flags
dc.w 1 type : boolean
dc.l gen_border image
dc.l 0 inverse data
dc.l add_text text
dc.l 0 no exclude
dc.l 0 no special info
dc.w $14 gadget ID
dc.l 0 user data
;(* Display ScribblePad *)
ds_gadget dc.l le_gadget next gadget
dc.w 267,170 x,y pos
dc.w 77,12 width, height (hit box)
dc.w 0 flags
dc.w 1 flags
dc.w 1 type : boolean
dc.l gen_border image
dc.l 0 inverse data
dc.l ds_text text
dc.l 0 no exclude
dc.l 0 no special info
dc.w $15 gadget ID
dc.l 0 user data
;(* Lookup Entry *)
le_gadget dc.l ed_gadget next gadget
dc.w 12,170 x,y pos
dc.w 77,12 width, height (hit box)
dc.w 0 flags
dc.w 1 flags
dc.w 1 type : boolean
dc.l gen_border image
dc.l 0 inverse data
dc.l le_text text
dc.l 0 no exclude
dc.l 0 no special info
dc.w $16 gadget ID
dc.l 0 user data
;(* Remove Entry *)
ed_gadget dc.l ld_gadget next gadget
dc.w 182,170 x,y pos
dc.w 77,12 width, height (hit box)
dc.w 0 flags
dc.w 1 flags
dc.w 1 type : boolean
dc.l gen_border image
dc.l 0 inverse data
dc.l ed_text text
dc.l 0 no exclude
dc.l 0 no special info
dc.w $17 gadget ID
dc.l 0 user data
;(* Load Diary *)
ld_gadget dc.l sd_gadget next gadget
dc.w 12,188 x,y pos
dc.w 77,12 width, height (hit box)
dc.w 0 flags
dc.w 1 flags
dc.w 1 type : boolean
dc.l gen_border image
dc.l 0 inverse data
dc.l ld_text text
dc.l 0 no exclude
dc.l 0 no special info
dc.w $18 gadget ID
dc.l 0 user data
;(* Save Diary *)
sd_gadget dc.l ab_gadget next gadget
dc.w 97,188 x,y pos
dc.w 77,12 width, height (hit box)
dc.w 0 flags
dc.w 1 flags
dc.w 1 type : boolean
dc.l gen_border image
dc.l 0 inverse data
dc.l sd_text text
dc.l 0 no exclude
dc.l 0 no special info
dc.w $19 gadget ID
dc.l 0 user data
;(* About *)
ab_gadget dc.l sh_gadget next gadget
dc.w 182,188 x,y pos
dc.w 77,12 width, height (hit box)
dc.w 0 flags
dc.w 1 flags
dc.w 1 type : boolean
dc.l gen_border image
dc.l 0 inverse data
dc.l ab_text text
dc.l 0 no exclude
dc.l 0 no special info
dc.w $1a gadget ID
dc.l 0 user data
;(* Shrink *)
sh_gadget dc.l flip_gadget next gadget
dc.w 267,188 x,y pos
dc.w 77,12 width, height (hit box)
dc.w 0 flags
dc.w 1 flags
dc.w 1 type : boolean
dc.l gen_border image
dc.l 0 inverse data
dc.l sh_text text
dc.l 0 no exclude
dc.l 0 no special info
dc.w $1b gadget ID
dc.l 0 user data
;(* Flip Page *)
flip_gadget dc.l 0 next gadget
dc.w 329,135 x,y pos
dc.w 19,12 width, height (hit box)
dc.w 6 image, new image
dc.w 1 flags
dc.w 1 type : boolean
dc.l df_image image
dc.l dfi_image inverse data
dc.l 0 no text
dc.l 0 no exclude
dc.l 0 no special info
dc.w $1c gadget ID
dc.l 0 user data
*-------------- GADGET STRUCTURES (ADD ENTRY WINDOW) --------------------*
entry_sgadget dc.l hours_sgadget next gadget
dc.w 69,20 x,y pos
dc.w 425,10 width, height
dc.w 0 flags
dc.w 2 activation
dc.w 4 type : string
dc.l entry_border border structure
dc.l 0 no drawing
dc.l entry_text text
dc.l 0 no exclude
dc.l entry_sinfo
dc.w $23 gadget ID
dc.l 0 user data
hours_sgadget dc.l mins_sgadget next gadget
dc.w 69,40 x,y pos
dc.w 30,10 width, height
dc.w 0 flags
dc.w $802 integer
dc.w 4 type : string
dc.l hours_border border structure
dc.l 0 no drawing
dc.l hours_text text
dc.l 0 no exclude
dc.l hours_sinfo
dc.w $24 gadget ID
dc.l 0 user data
mins_sgadget dc.l yes_gadget next gadget
dc.w 179,40 x,y pos
dc.w 30,10 width, height
dc.w 0 flags
dc.w $802 integer
dc.w 4 type : string
dc.l hours_border border structure
dc.l 0 no drawing
dc.l mins_text text
dc.l 0 no exclude
dc.l mins_sinfo
dc.w $25 gadget ID
dc.l 0 user data
yes_gadget dc.l ae1_gadget next gadget
dc.w 440,38 x,y pos
dc.w 31,11 width, height (hit box)
dc.w $80 flags
dc.w $101 flags
dc.w 1 type : boolean
dc.l am_border image
dc.l 0 inverse data
dc.l yes_text text
dc.l 0 no exclude
dc.l 0 no special info
dc.w $28 gadget ID
dc.l 0 user data
ae1_gadget dc.l cr_gadget next gadget
dc.w 32,55 x,y pos
dc.w 77,12 width, height (hit box)
dc.w 0 flags
dc.w 1 flags
dc.w 1 type : boolean
dc.l gen_border image
dc.l 0 inverse data
dc.l ae_text text
dc.l 0 no exclude
dc.l 0 no special info
dc.w $20 gadget ID
dc.l 0 user data
cr_gadget dc.l cancel_gadget next gadget
dc.w 205,55 x,y pos
dc.w 77,12 width, height (hit box)
dc.w 0 flags
dc.w 1 flags
dc.w 1 type : boolean
dc.l gen_border image
dc.l 0 inverse data
dc.l cr_text text
dc.l 0 no exclude
dc.l 0 no special info
dc.w $21 gadget ID
dc.l 0 user data
cancel_gadget dc.l 0 next gadget
dc.w 385,55 x,y pos
dc.w 77,12 width, height (hit box)
dc.w 0 flags
dc.w 1 flags
dc.w 1 type : boolean
dc.l gen_border image
dc.l 0 inverse data
dc.l cancel_text text
dc.l 0 no exclude
dc.l 0 no special info
dc.w $22 gadget ID
dc.l 0 user data
*-------------- GADGET STRUCTURES (LOOKUP ENTRY) ------------------------*
date_sgadget dc.l ok1_gadget next gadget
dc.w 140,20 x,y pos
dc.w 225,10 width, height
dc.w 0 flags
dc.w $802 activation
dc.w 4 type : string
dc.l date_border border structure
dc.l 0 no drawing
dc.l date_text text
dc.l 0 no exclude
dc.l date_sinfo
dc.w $40 gadget ID
dc.l 0 user data
ok1_gadget dc.l cancel1_gadget next gadget
dc.w 20,40 x,y pos
dc.w 77,12 width, height (hit box)
dc.w 0 flags
dc.w 1 flags
dc.w 1 type : boolean
dc.l gen_border image
dc.l 0 inverse data
dc.l ok_text text
dc.l 0 no exclude
dc.l 0 no special info
dc.w $41 gadget ID
dc.l 0 user data
cancel1_gadget dc.l 0 next gadget
dc.w 140,40 x,y pos
dc.w 77,12 width, height (hit box)
dc.w 0 flags
dc.w 1 flags
dc.w 1 type : boolean
dc.l gen_border image
dc.l 0 inverse data
dc.l cancel_text text
dc.l 0 no exclude
dc.l 0 no special info
dc.w $42 gadget ID
dc.l 0 user data
*-------------- GADGET STRUCTURES (FILE SAVE) ---------------------------*
dc.l saveok_gadget next gadget
dc.w 60,20 x,y pos
dc.w 265,10 width, height
dc.w 0 flags
dc.w 2 activation
dc.w 4 type : string
dc.l file_border border structure
dc.l 0 no drawing
dc.l file_text text
dc.l 0 no exclude
dc.l file_sinfo
dc.w $50 gadget ID
dc.l 0 user data
saveok_gadget dc.l savecancel_gadget next gadget
dc.w 30,40 x,y pos
dc.w 77,12 width, height (hit box)
dc.w 0 flags
dc.w 1 flags
dc.w 1 type : boolean
dc.l gen_border image
dc.l 0 inverse data
dc.l ok_text text
dc.l 0 no exclude
dc.l 0 no special info
dc.w $51 gadget ID
dc.l 0 user data
dc.l 0 next gadget
dc.w 230,40 x,y pos
dc.w 77,12 width, height (hit box)
dc.w 0 flags
dc.w 1 flags
dc.w 1 type : boolean
dc.l gen_border image
dc.l 0 inverse data
dc.l cancel_text text
dc.l 0 no exclude
dc.l 0 no special info
dc.w $52 gadget ID
dc.l 0 user data
*-------------- GADGET STRUCTURES (FILE LOAD) ---------------------------*
dc.l loadok_gadget next gadget
dc.w 60,20 x,y pos
dc.w 265,10 width, height
dc.w 0 flags
dc.w 2 activation
dc.w 4 type : string
dc.l file_border border structure
dc.l 0 no drawing
dc.l file_text text
dc.l 0 no exclude
dc.l file_sinfo
dc.w $60 gadget ID
dc.l 0 user data
loadok_gadget dc.l loadcancel_gadget next gadget
dc.w 30,40 x,y pos
dc.w 77,12 width, height (hit box)
dc.w 0 flags
dc.w 1 flags
dc.w 1 type : boolean
dc.l gen_border image
dc.l 0 inverse data
dc.l ok_text text
dc.l 0 no exclude
dc.l 0 no special info
dc.w $61 gadget ID
dc.l 0 user data
dc.l 0 next gadget
dc.w 230,40 x,y pos
dc.w 77,12 width, height (hit box)
dc.w 0 flags
dc.w 1 flags
dc.w 1 type : boolean
dc.l gen_border image
dc.l 0 inverse data
dc.l cancel_text text
dc.l 0 no exclude
dc.l 0 no special info
dc.w $62 gadget ID
dc.l 0 user data
*-------------- GADGET STRUCTURES (SCRIBBLEPAD) -------------------------*
;(* Add entry ... *)
sae_gadget dc.l done_gadget next gadget
dc.w 20,180 x,y pos
dc.w 77,12 width, height (hit box)
dc.w 0 flags:inverse
dc.w 1 flags
dc.w 1 type : boolean
dc.l gen_border image
dc.l 0 inverse data
dc.l ae_text text
dc.l 0 no exclude
dc.l 0 no special info
dc.w $70 gadget ID
dc.l 0 user data
;(* Done entry ... *)
done_gadget dc.l scribnext_gadget next gadget
dc.w 200,180 x,y pos
dc.w 77,12 width, height (hit box)
dc.w 0 flags:inverse
dc.w 1 flags
dc.w 1 type : boolean
dc.l gen_border image
dc.l 0 inverse data
dc.l done_text text
dc.l 0 no exclude
dc.l 0 no special info
dc.w $71 gadget ID
dc.l 0 user data
;(* Next Page of ScribblePad ... *)
dc.l scribedit_gadget next gadget
dc.w 270,163 x,y pos
dc.w 19,12 width, height (hit box)
dc.w 6 image, new image
dc.w 1 flags
dc.w 1 type : boolean
dc.l df_image image
dc.l dfi_image inverse data
dc.l 0 no text
dc.l 0 no exclude
dc.l 0 no special info
dc.w $72 gadget ID
dc.l 0 user data
;(* Edit entry ... *)
dc.l 0 next gadget
dc.w 110,180 x,y pos
dc.w 77,12 width, height (hit box)
dc.w 0 flags:inverse
dc.w 1 flags
dc.w 1 type : boolean
dc.l gen_border image
dc.l 0 inverse data
dc.l ed2_text text
dc.l 0 no exclude
dc.l 0 no special info
dc.w $73 gadget ID
dc.l 0 user data
*-------------- GADGET STRUCTURES (SCRIBBLEPAD ADD ENTRY) ---------------*
dc.l sae1_gadget next gadget
dc.w 69,20 x,y pos
dc.w 425,10 width, height
dc.w 0 flags
dc.w 2 activation
dc.w 4 type : string
dc.l entry_border border structure
dc.l 0 no drawing
dc.l entry_text text
dc.l 0 no exclude
dc.l scribentry_sinfo
dc.w $80 gadget ID
dc.l 0 user data
sae1_gadget dc.l scr_gadget next gadget
dc.w 32,40 x,y pos
dc.w 77,12 width, height (hit box)
dc.w 0 flags
dc.w 1 flags
dc.w 1 type : boolean
dc.l gen_border image
dc.l 0 inverse data
dc.l ae_text text
dc.l 0 no exclude
dc.l 0 no special info
dc.w $81 gadget ID
dc.l 0 user data
;(* Clear. *)
scr_gadget dc.l scancel_gadget next gadget
dc.w 215,40 x,y pos
dc.w 77,12 width, height (hit box)
dc.w 0 flags
dc.w 1 flags
dc.w 1 type : boolean
dc.l gen_border image
dc.l 0 inverse data
dc.l cr_text text
dc.l 0 no exclude
dc.l 0 no special info
dc.w $82 gadget ID
dc.l 0 user data
scancel_gadget dc.l 0 next gadget
dc.w 395,40 x,y pos
dc.w 77,12 width, height (hit box)
dc.w 0 flags
dc.w 1 flags
dc.w 1 type : boolean
dc.l gen_border image
dc.l 0 inverse data
dc.l cancel_text text
dc.l 0 no exclude
dc.l 0 no special info
dc.w $83 gadget ID
dc.l 0 user data
*-------------- GADGET STRUCTURES (SCRIBBLEPAD EDIT ENTRY) --------------*
;(* String gadget for entry text. *)
dc.l seditdel_gadget next gadget
dc.w 90,20 x,y pos
dc.w 425,10 width, height
dc.w 0 flags
dc.w 2 activation
dc.w 4 type : string
dc.l entry_border border structure
dc.l 0 no drawing
dc.l entry_text text
dc.l 0 no exclude
dc.l scribedit_sinfo
dc.w $a0 gadget ID
dc.l 0 user data
;(* Delete entry. *)
seditdel_gadget dc.l seditcr_gadget next gadget
dc.w 10,40 x,y pos
dc.w 77,12 width, height (hit box)
dc.w 0 flags
dc.w 1 flags
dc.w 1 type : boolean
dc.l gen_border image
dc.l 0 inverse data
dc.l delete_text text
dc.l 0 no exclude
dc.l 0 no special info
dc.w $a1 gadget ID
dc.l 0 user data
;(* Clear entry. *)
seditcr_gadget dc.l seditch_gadget next gadget
dc.w 100,40 x,y pos
dc.w 77,12 width, height (hit box)
dc.w 0 flags
dc.w 1 flags
dc.w 1 type : boolean
dc.l gen_border image
dc.l 0 inverse data
dc.l cr_text text
dc.l 0 no exclude
dc.l 0 no special info
dc.w $a2 gadget ID
dc.l 0 user data
;(* Change Entry. *)
seditch_gadget dc.l seditdone_gadget next gadget
dc.w 190,40 x,y pos
dc.w 77,12 width, height (hit box)
dc.w 0 flags
dc.w 1 flags
dc.w 1 type : boolean
dc.l gen_border image
dc.l 0 inverse data
dc.l change_text text
dc.l 0 no exclude
dc.l 0 no special info
dc.w $a3 gadget ID
dc.l 0 user data
;(* Done, ie. Confirm changes. *)
dc.l seditnext_gadget next gadget
dc.w 460,40 x,y pos
dc.w 77,12 width, height (hit box)
dc.w 0 flags
dc.w 1 flags
dc.w 1 type : boolean
dc.l gen_border image
dc.l 0 inverse data
dc.l done_text text
dc.l 0 no exclude
dc.l 0 no special info
dc.w $a4 gadget ID
dc.l 0 user data
dc.l seditprev_gadget next gadget
dc.w 370,40 x,y pos
dc.w 77,12 width, height (hit box)
dc.w 0 flags
dc.w 1 flags
dc.w 1 type : boolean
dc.l gen_border image
dc.l 0 inverse data
dc.l next_text text
dc.l 0 no exclude
dc.l 0 no special info
dc.w $a5 gadget ID
dc.l 0 user data
dc.l 0 next gadget
dc.w 280,40 x,y pos
dc.w 77,12 width, height (hit box)
dc.w 0 flags
dc.w 1 flags
dc.w 1 type : boolean
dc.l gen_border image
dc.l 0 inverse data
dc.l prev_text text
dc.l 0 no exclude
dc.l 0 no special info
dc.w $a6 gadget ID
dc.l 0 user data
*-------------- GADGET STRUCTURES (EDIT ENTRY) --------------------------*
dc.l edithours_sgadget next gadget
dc.w 69,20 x,y pos
dc.w 425,10 width, height
dc.w 0 flags
dc.w 2 activation
dc.w 4 type : string
dc.l entry_border border structure
dc.l 0 no drawing
dc.l entry_text text
dc.l 0 no exclude
dc.l editentry_sinfo
dc.w $90 gadget ID
dc.l 0 user data
dc.l editmins_sgadget next gadget
dc.w 60,45 x,y pos
dc.w 30,10 width, height
dc.w 0 flags
dc.w $802 integer
dc.w 4 type : string
dc.l hours_border border structure
dc.l 0 no drawing
dc.l hours_text text
dc.l 0 no exclude
dc.l hours_sinfo
dc.w $91 gadget ID
dc.l 0 user data
dc.l edityes_gadget next gadget
dc.w 165,45 x,y pos
dc.w 30,10 width, height
dc.w 0 flags
dc.w $802 integer
dc.w 4 type : string
dc.l hours_border border structure
dc.l 0 no drawing
dc.l mins_text text
dc.l 0 no exclude
dc.l mins_sinfo
dc.w $92 gadget ID
dc.l 0 user data
edityes_gadget dc.l editnext_gadget next gadget
dc.w 310,43 x,y pos
dc.w 31,11 width, height (hit box)
dc.w $80 flags
dc.w $101 flags
dc.w 1 type : boolean
dc.l am_border image
dc.l 0 inverse data
dc.l yes_text text
dc.l 0 no exclude
dc.l 0 no special info
dc.w $93 gadget ID
dc.l 0 user data
editnext_gadget dc.l editprev_gadget next gadget
dc.w 450,41 x,y pos
dc.w 77,12 width, height (hit box)
dc.w 0 flags
dc.w 1 flags
dc.w 1 type : boolean
dc.l gen_border image
dc.l 0 inverse data
dc.l next_text text
dc.l 0 no exclude
dc.l 0 no special info
dc.w $94 gadget ID
dc.l 0 user data
editprev_gadget dc.l editdel_gadget next gadget
dc.w 360,41 x,y pos
dc.w 77,12 width, height (hit box)
dc.w 0 flags
dc.w 1 flags
dc.w 1 type : boolean
dc.l gen_border image
dc.l 0 inverse data
dc.l prev_text text
dc.l 0 no exclude
dc.l 0 no special info
dc.w $95 gadget ID
dc.l 0 user data
editdel_gadget dc.l editcr_gadget next gadget
dc.w 40,65 x,y pos
dc.w 77,12 width, height (hit box)
dc.w 0 flags
dc.w 1 flags
dc.w 1 type : boolean
dc.l gen_border image
dc.l 0 inverse data
dc.l delete_text text
dc.l 0 no exclude
dc.l 0 no special info
dc.w $96 gadget ID
dc.l 0 user data
;(* Clear. *)
editcr_gadget dc.l editch_gadget next gadget
dc.w 170,65 x,y pos
dc.w 77,12 width, height (hit box)
dc.w 0 flags
dc.w 1 flags
dc.w 1 type : boolean
dc.l gen_border image
dc.l 0 inverse data
dc.l cr_text text
dc.l 0 no exclude
dc.l 0 no special info
dc.w $97 gadget ID
dc.l 0 user data
;(* Change. *)
editch_gadget dc.l editdone_gadget next gadget
dc.w 305,65 x,y pos
dc.w 77,12 width, height (hit box)
dc.w 0 flags
dc.w 1 flags
dc.w 1 type : boolean
dc.l gen_border image
dc.l 0 inverse data
dc.l change_text text
dc.l 0 no exclude
dc.l 0 no special info
dc.w $98 gadget ID
dc.l 0 user data
dc.l 0 next gadget
dc.w 430,65 x,y pos
dc.w 77,12 width, height (hit box)
dc.w 0 flags
dc.w 1 flags
dc.w 1 type : boolean
dc.l gen_border image
dc.l 0 inverse data
dc.l done_text text
dc.l 0 no exclude
dc.l 0 no special info
dc.w $99 gadget ID
dc.l 0 user data
*-------------- GADGET STRUCTURES (INVALID INPUTS) ----------------------*
ok_gadget dc.l 0 next gadget
dc.w 68,47 x,y pos
dc.w 77,12 width, height (hit box)
dc.w 0 flags
dc.w 1 flags
dc.w 1 type : boolean
dc.l gen_border image
dc.l 0 inverse data
dc.l ok_text text
dc.l 0 no exclude
dc.l 0 no special info
dc.w $30 gadget ID
dc.l 0 user data
*-------------- SPECIALINFO STRUCTURES ----------------------------------*
entry_sinfo dc.l entrybuffer text buffer
dc.l entryundo undo buffer
dc.w 0 cursor position
dc.w 60 max # of characters
dc.w 0 output text from this char
dc.w 0 char pos in undo buffer
dc.w 0 # of chars in buffer
dc.w 0 # of chars visible in box
dc.w 0 horiz box offset
dc.w 0 vert box offset
dc.l 0 rastport
dc.l 0 value of input (for int)
dc.l 0 standard keyboard table
entrybuffer ds.b 72
entryundo ds.b 72
hours_sinfo dc.l hoursbuffer text buffer
dc.l hoursundo undo buffer
dc.w 0 cursor position
dc.w 3 max # of characters
dc.w 0 output text from this char
dc.w 0 char pos in undo buffer
dc.w 0 # of chars in buffer
dc.w 0 # of chars visible in box
dc.w 0 horiz box offset
dc.w 0 vert box offset
dc.l 0 rastport
dc.l 0 value of input (for int)
dc.l 0 standard keyboard table
hoursbuffer ds.l 3
hoursundo ds.l 3
mins_sinfo dc.l minsbuffer text buffer
dc.l minsundo undo buffer
dc.w 0 cursor position
dc.w 3 max # of characters
dc.w 0 output text from this char
dc.w 0 char pos in undo buffer
dc.w 0 # of chars in buffer
dc.w 0 # of chars visible in box
dc.w 0 horiz box offset
dc.w 0 vert box offset
dc.l 0 rastport
dc.l 0 value of input (for int)
dc.l 0 standard keyboard table
minsbuffer ds.l 3
minsundo ds.l 3
date_sinfo dc.l datebuffer text buffer
dc.l dateundo undo buffer
dc.w 0 cursor position
dc.w 7 max # of characters
dc.w 0 output text from this char
dc.w 0 char pos in undo buffer
dc.w 0 # of chars in buffer
dc.w 0 # of chars visible in box
dc.w 0 horiz box offset
dc.w 0 vert box offset
dc.l 0 rastport
dc.l 0 value of input (for int)
dc.l 0 standard keyboard table
datebuffer ds.l 7
dateundo ds.l 7
file_sinfo dc.l filebuffer text buffer
dc.l fileundo undo buffer
dc.w 0 cursor position
dc.w 50 max # of characters
dc.w 0 output text from this char
dc.w 0 char pos in undo buffer
dc.w 0 # of chars in buffer
dc.w 0 # of chars visible in box
dc.w 0 horiz box offset
dc.w 0 vert box offset
dc.l 0 rastport
dc.l 0 value of input (for int)
dc.l 0 standard keyboard table
filebuffer ds.l 50
fileundo ds.l 50
dc.l scribentrybuffer text buffer
dc.l scribentryundo undo buffer
dc.w 0 cursor position
dc.w 70 max # of characters
dc.w 0 output text from this char
dc.w 0 char pos in undo buffer
dc.w 0 # of chars in buffer
dc.w 0 # of chars visible in box
dc.w 0 horiz box offset
dc.w 0 vert box offset
dc.l 0 rastport
dc.l 0 value of input (for int)
dc.l 0 standard keyboard table
ds.b 72
scribentryundo ds.b 72
dc.l scribeditbuffer text buffer
dc.l scribeditundo undo buffer
dc.w 0 cursor position
dc.w 70 max # of characters
dc.w 0 output text from this char
dc.w 0 char pos in undo buffer
dc.w 0 # of chars in buffer
dc.w 0 # of chars visible in box
dc.w 0 horiz box offset
dc.w 0 vert box offset
dc.l 0 rastport
dc.l 0 value of input (for int)
dc.l 0 standard keyboard table
ds.b 72
scribeditundo ds.b 72
editentry_sinfo dc.l editentrybuffer text buffer
dc.l editentryundo undo buffer
dc.w 0 cursor position
dc.w 60 max # of characters
dc.w 0 output text from this char
dc.w 0 char pos in undo buffer
dc.w 0 # of chars in buffer
dc.w 0 # of chars visible in box
dc.w 0 horiz box offset
dc.w 0 vert box offset
dc.l 0 rastport
dc.l 0 value of input (for int)
dc.l 0 standard keyboard table
editentrybuffer ds.b 72
editentryundo ds.b 72
*-------------- GADGET IMAGE DATA ---------------------------------------*
section images,code_c
df_data dc.w $FFFF,$8000,$8000,$8000,$8E00,$8000
dc.w $8FC0,$8000,$8FF0,$8000,$8FC0,$8000
dc.w $8E00,$8000,$8000,$8000,$8000,$8000
dc.w $FFFF,$8000,$0000,$0000,$0000,$0000
dc.w $0000,$0000,$0000,$6000,$0000,$6000
dc.w $1000,$6000,$1000,$6000,$1030,$6000
dc.w $11C0,$6000,$1E00,$6000,$0000,$6000
dc.w $0000,$6000,$3FFF,$E000,$3FFF,$E000
dfi_data dc.w $FFFF,$8000,$FFFF,$8000,$F1FF,$8000
dc.w $E03F,$8000,$E00F,$8000,$E00F,$8000
dc.w $E01F,$8000,$E1FF,$8000,$FFFF,$8000
dc.w $FFFF,$8000,$0000,$0000,$0000,$0000
dc.w $0000,$0000,$0000,$6000,$0000,$6000
dc.w $1000,$6000,$1000,$6000,$1030,$6000
dc.w $11E0,$6000,$1E00,$6000,$0000,$6000
dc.w $0000,$6000,$3FFF,$E000,$3FFF,$E000
db_data dc.w $FFFF,$8000,$8000,$8000,$8038,$8000
dc.w $81F8,$8000,$87F8,$8000,$81F8,$8000
dc.w $8038,$8000,$8000,$8000,$8000,$8000
dc.w $FFFF,$8000,$0000,$0000,$0000,$0000
dc.w $0000,$0000,$0000,$6000,$0000,$6000
dc.w $0004,$6000,$0004,$6000,$0604,$6000
dc.w $01C4,$6000,$003C,$6000,$0000,$6000
dc.w $0000,$6000,$3FFF,$E000,$3FFF,$E000
dbi_data dc.w $FFFF,$8000,$FFFF,$8000,$FFC7,$8000
dc.w $FE03,$8000,$F803,$8000,$F803,$8000
dc.w $FE03,$8000,$FFC3,$8000,$FFFF,$8000
dc.w $FFFF,$8000,$0000,$0000,$0000,$0000
dc.w $0000,$0000,$0000,$6000,$0000,$6000
dc.w $0004,$6000,$0004,$6000,$0604,$6000
dc.w $01C4,$6000,$003C,$6000,$0000,$6000
dc.w $0000,$6000,$3FFF,$E000,$3FFF,$E000
wf_data dc.w $FFFF,$FFFE,$0000,$8000,$0002,$0000
dc.w $8E00,$3802,$0000,$8FC0,$3F02,$0000
dc.w $8FF0,$3FC2,$0000,$8FC0,$3F02,$0000
dc.w $8E00,$3802,$0000,$8000,$0002,$0000
dc.w $8000,$0002,$0000,$FFFF,$FFFE,$0000
dc.w $0000,$0000,$0000,$0000,$0000,$0000
dc.w $0000,$0000,$0000,$0000,$0001,$8000
dc.w $0000,$0001,$8000,$1000,$4001,$8000
dc.w $1000,$4001,$8000,$1030,$40C1,$8000
dc.w $11C0,$4701,$8000,$1E00,$7801,$8000
dc.w $0000,$0001,$8000,$0000,$0001,$8000
dc.w $3FFF,$FFFF,$8000,$3FFF,$FFFF,$8000
wfi_data dc.w $FFFF,$FFFE,$0000,$FFFF,$FFFE,$0000
dc.w $F1FF,$C7FE,$0000,$E03F,$80FE,$0000
dc.w $E00F,$803E,$0000,$E00F,$803E,$0000
dc.w $E03F,$80FE,$0000,$E1FF,$87FE,$0000
dc.w $FFFF,$FFFE,$0000,$FFFF,$FFFE,$0000
dc.w $0000,$0000,$0000,$0000,$0000,$0000
dc.w $0000,$0000,$0000,$0000,$0001,$8000
dc.w $0000,$0001,$8000,$1000,$4001,$8000
dc.w $1000,$4001,$8000,$1030,$40C1,$8000
dc.w $11C0,$4701,$8000,$1E00,$7801,$8000
dc.w $0000,$0001,$8000,$0000,$0001,$8000
dc.w $3FFF,$FFFF,$8000,$3FFF,$FFFF,$8000
wb_data dc.w $FFFF,$FFFE,$0000,$8000,$0002,$0000
dc.w $8038,$00E2,$0000,$81F8,$07E2,$0000
dc.w $87F8,$1FE2,$0000,$81F8,$07E2,$0000
dc.w $8038,$00E2,$0000,$8000,$0002,$0000
dc.w $8000,$0002,$0000,$FFFF,$FFFE,$0000
dc.w $0000,$0000,$0000,$0000,$0000,$0000
dc.w $0000,$0000,$0000,$0000,$0001,$8000
dc.w $0000,$0001,$8000,$0004,$0011,$8000
dc.w $0004,$0011,$8000,$0604,$1811,$8000
dc.w $01C4,$0711,$8000,$003C,$00F1,$8000
dc.w $0000,$0001,$8000,$0000,$0001,$8000
dc.w $3FFF,$FFFF,$8000,$3FFF,$FFFF,$8000
wbi_data dc.w $FFFF,$FFFE,$0000,$FFFF,$FFFE,$0000
dc.w $FFC7,$FF1E,$0000,$FE03,$F80E,$0000
dc.w $F803,$E00E,$0000,$F803,$E00E,$0000
dc.w $FE03,$F80E,$0000,$FFC3,$FF0E,$0000
dc.w $FFFF,$FFFE,$0000,$FFFF,$FFFE,$0000
dc.w $0000,$0000,$0000,$0000,$0000,$0000
dc.w $0000,$0000,$0000,$0000,$0001,$8000
dc.w $0000,$0001,$8000,$0004,$0011,$8000
dc.w $0004,$0011,$8000,$0604,$1811,$8000
dc.w $01C4,$0711,$8000,$003C,$00F1,$8000
dc.w $0000,$0001,$8000,$0000,$0001,$8000
dc.w $3FFF,$FFFF,$8000,$3FFF,$FFFF,$8000
DC.W $0000,$0000,$0000,$0000,$0C30,$0000
DC.W $0C30,$0000,$0663,$C3E0,$03C6,$6600
DC.W $0187,$E3C0,$0186,$0060,$03C3,$C7C0
DC.W $0000,$0000,$0000,$0000,$0000,$0000
DC.W $FFFF,$FFFE,$8000,$0002,$8000,$0002
DC.W $8000,$0002,$8000,$0002,$8000,$0002
DC.W $8000,$0002,$8000,$0002,$8000,$0002
DC.W $8000,$0002,$8000,$0002,$FFFF,$FFFE
DC.W $F3CF,$FFFC,$F99C,$3C1C,$FC39,$99FC
DC.W $FE78,$1C3C,$FE79,$FF9C,$FC3C,$383C
DC.W $FFFF,$FFFC,$FFFF,$FFFC,$0000,$0000
DC.W $0000,$0000,$7FFF,$FFFE,$7FFF,$FFFE
stop_data dc.w $01FF,$FE00,$07FF,$FF80,$1FFF,$FFE0
dc.w $7FFF,$FFF8,$FFFF,$FFFC,$F082,$083C
dc.w $F7EE,$EBBC,$F0EE,$E83C,$FEEE,$EBFC
dc.w $F0EE,$0BFC,$FFFF,$FFFC,$7FFF,$FFF8
dc.w $1FFF,$FFE0,$07FF,$FF80,$01FF,$FE00
dc.w $01FF,$FE00,$0600,$0180,$1800,$0060
dc.w $6000,$0018,$8000,$0004,$BFFF,$FFF4
dc.w $BFFF,$FFF4,$8000,$0004,$6000,$0018
dc.w $1800,$0060,$0600,$0180,$01FF,$FE00
*-------------- LIBRARIES -----------------------------------------------*
intname dc.b "intuition.library",0
intbase dc.l 0
gfxname dc.b "graphics.library",0
gfxbase dc.l 0
dosname dc.b "dos.library",0
dosbase dc.l 0
*-------------- FONTS ---------------------------------------------------*
;(* Normal 80 col topaz font *)
topaz_defs dc.l topazname
dc.w 8 size 8
dc.b 0 style : normal
dc.b 1 flags : ROM font
;(* Underlined 80 col topaz font *)
topazU_defs dc.l topazname
dc.w 8 size 8
dc.b 1 style : underline
dc.b 1 flags : ROM font
topazname dc.b "topaz.font",0
topazbase dc.l 0
topazUbase dc.l 0
*-------------- INDEPENDANT VARIABLES -----------------------------------*
message dc.l 0 result of getmsg call
currentwindow dc.l 0 window being considered
calendar dc.l 0 pointer to calendar list
scribble dc.l 0 pointer to scribblepad list
scrib_curentry dc.l 0 pointer to scribble entry at start
; of page to be displayed
scrib_nextentry dc.l 0 pointer to first entry at start
; of page after the one being displayed
year dc.w 0 address of newly reserved year
lines_used dc.w 0 number of lines occupied by a
; scribblepad entry
entry_lines dc.w 0 number of lines occupied by a
; diary entry
spare_text ds.b 20
decnumber ds.b 4
decstring dc.b " ",0
date dc.l 0 } Today's date
dc.l 0 } yyyy-mm-dd
dc.l 0 }
dc.l 0 } 0=Sunday etc
datecopy dc.l 0 Buffer used to hold
dc.l 0 date until it has been
dc.l 0 validated.
dc.l 0
months dc.w 31,28,31,30,31,30 Jan-Jun
dc.w 31,31,30,31,30,31 Jul-Dec
monthnames dc.b "Jan","Feb","Mar","Apr","May","Jun"
dc.b "Jul","Aug","Sep","Oct","Nov","Dec"
daynames dc.b ", Sun ",", Mon ",", Tue "
dc.b ", Wed ",", Thur",", Fri "
dc.b ", Sat "
years dc.w 365,365,366,365 1978,1979,1980,1981...
dateXpos dc.w 0 positions used by DisplayDate
dateYpos dc.w 0
displayhd dc.l 0 window to display text in
lineXpos dc.w 0 position for line of entry
lineYpos dc.w 0 being displayed
rightmargin dc.l 0 set according to left/right side of page
leftmargin dc.l 0 as above
scribXpos dc.w 0 position for line of entry (scribblepad)
scribYpos dc.w 0 being displayed
scribmarker dc.l 0 store for next scribblepad identifier
digits dc.w 0 number of digits in number
monthsbase dc.l 0 base address of months (dfs)
monthsoff dc.l 0 offset for month pointer (dfs)
monthstore dc.l 0 month being considered
yearstore dc.l 0 year being considered
daystore dc.l 0 day being considered
entrystore dc.l 0 entry being considered
store dc.l 0 general store
currententry dc.l 0 address of entry being edited
start_entry dc.l 0 first entry on the page
next_entry dc.l 0 first entry on next page
page_start dc.l 0 first entry on page being displayed
scribentry dc.l 0 address of scribblepad entry
; being edited
;(* EXTERNAL FILE ... *)
filestart_code dc.w $0100 only upper byte is used, but
filestop_code dc.w $0200 these codes are words so they
year_code dc.w $0300 will be on even addresses
month_code dc.w $0400
day_code dc.w $0500
entry_code dc.w $0600
text_code dc.w $0700
scribent_code dc.w $0800
;(* The default AmigaDiary entries file, loaded up on startup. *)
default_file dc.b "s:diary.def",0
header dc.b "AD","11",$01 ;AmigaDiary, version (x10), start
filehd dc.l 0
buffer dc.w 0
;(* FLAGS ... *)
flag1 dc.b 0 ;0 - Leap Year
;1 - Close gadget (main window)
;2 - Time yes/no (AE gadgets)
;3 - Line break has been displayed
;4 - Use inputs from edit window
;5 - Only one entry for that day
;6 - Entry being deleted is first
;7 - Full SP page
flag2 dc.b 0 ;0 - Scribblepad window open
;1 - Add Entry window open
;2 - Shrink window open
;3 - About window open
;4 - Invalid Inputs window open
;5 - Lookup Entry window open
;6 - Load File window open
;7 - Save File window open
flag3 dc.b 0 ;0 - Scribblepad Add Entry window
;1 - Edit Entry window open
flag4 dc.b 0 ;0 - Scrib Entry split at bottom